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Russian Lips Lip Filler

You can find the answers to your questions about Russian Lips Lip Filler in this article. Our lips are the most active and most used part of our face. Our lips are as important as our nose for our face. We use our lips a lot while talking, laughing and making facial expressions. Today, lips that look fuller are considered more feminine by women. Especially for people with thin lip structure, this situation has become quite problematic. At this point, Russian lips lip filling comes into play. Let's examine together what is this Russian lips lip filler, which has been popular recently.

What is Russian Lips Lip Filler?

Depending on the aging of women, environmental factors and even the food and beverages we consume, there may be a loss of volume in the lips over time. The beauty phenomenon created by social media and digitalization on people has led people to research non-surgical aesthetic methods. It may be wrong to evaluate this situation only through social media. Because in addition to feeling beautiful and good, women may also apply for fillers because their lips are out of their desired appearance. Today, like the technology sector, the beauty sector also shows extremely successful developments. Now, fillers can be applied to the lips without surgery or anesthesia. Among these techniques, we will tell you about the lip filler, which we hear about most frequently. The feature that distinguishes the Russian lips technique from normal classical lip fillers is that it does not emphasize the frame of your lips. This application should be applied by specialists like other filling procedures. Russian lips lip filling belongs to the name of a lip filling application. No permanent filling material is used during the procedure. Russian lips differ in everyone. This is because not every person's lips are the same. With this technique, lips have a natural and plump appearance.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Russian Lips Lip Filler?
Depending on the aging of women, environmental factors and even the food and beverages we consume, there may be a loss of volume in the lips over time. The beauty phenomenon created by social media and digitalization on people has led people to research non-surgical aesthetic methods. It may be wrong to evaluate this situation only through social media. Because in addition to feeling beautiful and good, women may also apply for fillers because their lips are out of their desired appearance. Today, like the technology sector, the beauty sector also shows extremely successful developments. Now, fillers can be applied to the lips without surgery or anesthesia. We will tell you about the lip filler, which we hear most frequently among these techniques. The feature that distinguishes the Russian lips technique from normal classical lip fillers is that it does not define the frame of your lips. This application should be applied by specialists like other filling procedures. Russian lips lip filling belongs to the name of a lip filling application. No permanent filling material is used during the procedure. Russian lips differ in everyone. This is because not every person's lips are the same. With this technique, lips have a natural and plump appearance.
How to Make Russian Lips Lip Filler?
Regional numbness is created during Russian lips lip filling procedures. The filler used is a hyaluronic acid-based filler. The amount of filler to be applied during this procedure is given little by little and according to the shape of the client's lip. Anesthetic cream is applied to the lip and the lip is numbed in a short time. This process takes 15-20 minutes. In the filling process, the fillers are given vertically to the lip. In this way, your upper lip and lower lip are curved outward as if the line is drawn. If the technique is applied correctly, your lips gain volume. There is no enlargement or duck lip shape.
How Long Does Russian Lips Lip Filler Last?
It would not be correct to say a clear period for the permanence of Russian lips lip fillers. The reason for this is that the permanence in such procedures varies depending on the skin type and age of the person. According to normal skin type, the permanence of the procedure can vary between 15 and 22 months. However, it is impossible to say a definite period of time.
Is Russian Lips Lip Filler Suitable for Every Lip?
Everyone's lip structure is unique. While some people have thin lips, others may have thick lips. At this point, the specialist who will apply lip filler has a lot of work. Your lip is examined by the specialist before the procedure. It is healthier for people who have never had lip fillers before to have this procedure. Russian lips technique is suitable for every lip type. Before applying this technique, the specialist plans the necessary areas for your lip and, if necessary, makes markings on your lip and starts the procedure.
What Should Be Considered Before Lip Augmentation?
Since the procedures are not surgical, there is nothing you need to pay attention to. However, if you want to have less swelling and edema after the Russian lips filling procedure, you can stop consuming things that will dilute blood 10 days before the procedure.
Who Can Apply Russian Lips Lip Filler?
Russian lips technique is a technique applied by physicians. As with every procedure, this procedure should be performed by experienced people who are specialized in their work. Mostly dermatologists or plastic surgeons perform this procedure. The doctor who will perform this filling should have a good knowledge of facial anatomy, muscle structure and where these muscles begin and end. Thus, a complete success is achieved in the application to be performed. At this point, the person who will have the procedure also has a job. He should research the specialist he will choose well, ask questions and get detailed information if necessary. If you have the slightest question mark in your mind, you can find a new specialist. This procedure should never be performed by inexperienced people for your health.
Is Russian Lips Lip Filler Allergic?
The hyaluronic acid used in Russian lips filling does not cause any harm to the human body. Temporary side effects may occur as a result of procedures with reliable materials. These effects pass in maximum 5 days. Side effects that may be seen; redness, mild swelling and sometimes bruising. If the filling procedure is performed by people who are not reliable and specialized, you may face serious risks such as application error and infection.
At What Age Should Russian Lips Lip Filler Be Applied?
Just like aesthetic and surgeries, it is better to perform the filling procedure from the age of 18. It is not appropriate to do it at an earlier age, considering maturation. However, if there is any asymmetry or deformity, the appropriate time for the procedure can be determined by consulting a specialist doctor.No Loss of Sensation in the LipsRussian lips lip filler is hyaluronic acid-containing filler. Such fillers are evenly distributed instead of staying in a single area. Therefore, it has no effect on the nerves in the lip. In such a case, there is no deterioration in the feeling of the lip. In addition, you will not experience mimic loss as a result of this procedure.
What to Do After Lip Augmentation?
Local anesthesia is applied during the procedure. Thus, you will not feel any pain or ache during the procedure. When the procedure is over, you can continue your daily life in the same way. You should not drink hot or cold drinks for a few hours after the procedure. This prolongs the life of the filling. You should not go to the dental examination and kiss for 2 weeks after the application. If the bruising, swelling or redness on the lip has not disappeared 2-3 days after the procedure, contact your specialist. If your doctor deems it appropriate, you can use antibiotic cream to protect your lips from the sun or strong wind. For the first 3 days, your lips are very open to external infections. Therefore, you should not enter the sea or pool. You should not smoke. Although it is not a drawback, you should be sensitive to your lip. On the first day, you should smoke as little as possible and even avoid smoking if possible. On the second day, you can smoke without tiring your lips. It will be healthier for the person not to make up on the day of the Russian lips filling procedure. 1-2 days should not be in hot areas such as hot showers, baths, saunas, solariums, etc. In this way, you can extend the life of the filling and you will not have any problems after the procedure. You can consult with your doctor about the permanence of the procedure and have the procedure performed again if deemed necessary. Especially if you have thin lips, you may need to apply this procedure two or three times. The difference of this procedure from normal fillers is that the injection is made to the lips slowly and on the midline. Thus, the lips have a plump and curved appearance. In this filling, lip edges are not treated. If it is done, enlargement of the lips can be seen, which causes lip formation, which we call duck lips. Only for women of advanced age who have lost their lip volume, filling can be done differently and the lips can be restored to their voluminous appearance. Not only women but also men can have lip augmentation. The fact that the person needs it, feels better, wants to look well-groomed, believes that it will be more beautiful or is so happy are among the reasons that can be counted for having russian lips lip fillers.
How Much Are Russian Lips Lip Filler Prices?
Russian Lips Lip Filler Prices may vary depending on the doctor who will perform the procedure, the clinic where the filling will be performed and the city. You can contact us immediately to get information about filling.


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S DEMİRDAĞApril 8, 2023

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How to Make Russian Lips Lip Filler?

Regional numbness is created during Russian lips lip augmentation procedures. Thus, the feeling of pain is reduced to a negligible level. The filler used is a hyaluronic acid based filler. The amount of filler to be applied during this procedure is given little by little and according to the shape of the client's lip. Anesthetic cream is applied to the lip and the lip is numbed in a short time. Fillers are injected into the lip with the help of thinned hair needles. This process takes 15-20 minutes. In the filling procedure, the fillers are given vertically to the lip. In this way, your upper lip and lower lip are curved outward as if the line is drawn. If the technique is applied correctly, your lips gain volume. There is no enlargement or duck lip shape.

Russian Lips Lip Filler Permanence

It would not be correct to say a clear period for the permanence of Russian lips lip fillers. The reason for this is that the permanence in such procedures varies depending on the skin type and age of the person. According to normal skin type, the permanence of the procedure can vary between 15 and 22 months. However, it is impossible to say a definite period of time.

Russian Lips Lip Filler is Suitable for Every Lip

Everyone's lip structure is unique. While some people have thin lips, others may have thick lips. At this point, the specialist who will apply lip filler has a lot of work. Your lip is examined by the specialist before the procedure. It is healthier for people who have never had lip fillers before to have this procedure. Russian lips technique is suitable for every lip type. Before applying this technique, the specialist plans the necessary areas for your lip and, if necessary, makes markings on your lip and starts the procedure.

What Should Be Considered Before Lip Augmentation?

Since the procedures are not surgical, there is nothing you need to pay attention to. However, if you want to have less swelling and edema after the Russian lips filling procedure, you can stop consuming things that will dilute blood 10 days before the procedure.

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Who Can Apply Russian Lips Lip Filler?

Russian lips technique is a technique applied by physicians. As with every procedure, this procedure should be performed by experienced people who are specialized in their work. Mostly dermatologists or plastic surgeons perform this procedure. The doctor who will perform this filling should have a good knowledge of facial anatomy, muscle structure and where these muscles begin and end. Thus, a complete success is achieved in the application to be performed. At this point, the person who will have the procedure also has a job. He should research the specialist he will choose well, ask questions and get detailed information if necessary. If you have the slightest question mark in your mind, you can find a new specialist. This procedure should never be performed by inexperienced people for your health.

Russian Lips Lip Filler Allergy Free

The hyaluronic acid used in Russian lips filling does not cause any harm to the human body. Temporary side effects may occur as a result of procedures with reliable materials. These effects pass in maximum 5 days. Side effects that may be seen; redness, mild swelling and sometimes bruising. If the filling procedure is performed by people who are not reliable and specialized, you may face serious risks such as application error and infection.

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At What Age Should Russian Lips Lip Filler Be Applied?

Just like aesthetic and surgeries, it is better to perform the filling procedure from the age of 18. Performing it at an earlier age is not very appropriate considering maturation. However, if there is any asymmetry or deformity, the appropriate time for the procedure can be determined by consulting a specialist doctor. No Loss of Sensation in the Lips Russian lips lip filler is a hyaluronic acid-containing filler. Such fillers are evenly distributed instead of staying in a single area. Therefore, it has no effect on the nerves in the lip. In such a case, there is no deterioration in the feeling of the lip. In addition, you will not experience mimic loss as a result of this procedure.

What to Do After Lip Augmentation?

Local anesthesia is applied during the procedure. Thus, you will not feel any pain or ache during the procedure. When the procedure is over, you can continue your daily life in the same way. You should not drink hot or cold drinks for a few hours after the procedure. This prolongs the life of the filling. You should not go for a dental examination or kiss for 2 weeks after the procedure. If the bruising, swelling or redness on the lip has not disappeared 2-3 days after the procedure, contact your specialist. If you want the bruises to go away more quickly. You can make ice compresses on your lips at certain intervals. If your doctor deems appropriate, you can use antibiotic cream to protect your lips from the sun or strong wind. For the first 3 days, your lips are very vulnerable to external infections. Therefore, you should not swim in the sea or pool. You should not smoke. Although it is not a drawback, you should be sensitive to your lip. On the first day, you should smoke as little as possible and even avoid smoking if possible. On the second day, you can smoke without tiring your lips. It will be healthier for the person not to wear make-up on the day of the Russian lips filling procedure. You should not be in hot areas such as hot shower, Turkish bath, sauna, solarium for 1-2 days. In this way, you can prolong the life of the filler and you will not have any problems after the procedure. You can consult with your doctor about the permanence of the procedure and have the procedure performed again if deemed necessary. Especially if you have thin lips, you may need to apply this procedure two or three times. The difference of this procedure from normal fillers is that the injection is made to the lips slowly and on the midline. Thus, the lips have a plump and curved appearance. In this filling, lip edges are not treated. If it is done, enlargement of the lips can be seen, which causes lip formation, which we call duck lips. Only for women of advanced age who have lost their lip volume, filling can be done differently and the lips can be restored to their voluminous appearance. Not only women but also men can have lip augmentation. The fact that the person needs it, feels better, wants to look well-groomed, believes that it will be more beautiful or is so happy are among the reasons that can be counted for having russian lips lip fillers.

Russian Lips Lip Filler Prices

Russian Lips Lip Filler Prices may vary depending on the doctor who will perform the procedure, the clinic where the filling will be performed and the city. You can contact us immediately to get information about filling.