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Who Can Have Mid Face Lift Surgery?

Technological developments and equipment meet the needs of people with beauty and aesthetic concerns better and better every day. The methods and techniques used in this direction fully meet the purpose that people want to achieve. Facelift surgeries consist of different parts within themselves. Therefore, one of the most preferred applications is the mid-face lift surgery. Since this area, which forms the main point of the face, is prone to aging, it shows signs of aging earlier. The hyaluronic acid needed by the skin begins to decrease in the skin after a certain age. The decrease in hyaluronic acid also reduces collagen production. Therefore, the skin begins to sag and wrinkle. These symptoms show themselves more after the thirties. Mid-facelift surgery is applied to female patients between the ages of 30 and 55. It is applied in cases such as sagging cheeks, formation of bags under the eyes, weak cheek bones. The main point of the face is volumized and a youthful appearance is achieved.

Causes of Facial Sagging

It is not always possible to have healthy and smooth skin. This is due to both aging and environmental factors. Especially after the age of 30-35, as the moisture content of the skin decreases, dryness, sagging and wrinkles occur. The skin that succumbs to gravity begins to sag downwards. Since the mid-face area consists of soft tissues, the aging process progresses faster. Even with regular care, aging becomes an unstoppable factor. Mid-face lift applications are widely preferred today in order to eliminate the signs of aging.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who Can Have Mid Face Lift Surgery?
Technological developments and equipment meet the needs of people with beauty and aesthetic concerns better and better every day. The methods and techniques used in this direction fully meet the purpose that people want to achieve. Facelift surgeries consist of different parts within themselves. Therefore, one of the most preferred applications is the mid-face lift surgery. Since this area, which forms the main point of the face, is prone to aging, it shows signs of aging earlier. The hyaluronic acid needed by the skin begins to decrease in the skin after a certain age. The decrease in hyaluronic acid also reduces collagen production. Therefore, the skin begins to sag and wrinkle. These symptoms show themselves more after the thirties. Mid-facelift surgery is applied to female patients between the ages of 30 and 55. It is applied in cases such as sagging cheeks, formation of bags under the eyes, weak cheek bones. The main point of the face is volumized and a youthful appearance is achieved.
What are the Causes of Facial Sagging?
It is not always possible to have healthy and smooth skin. This is due to both aging and environmental factors. Especially after the age of 30-35, as the moisture content of the skin decreases, dryness, sagging and wrinkles occur. The skin that succumbs to gravity begins to sag downwards. Since the mid-face area consists of soft tissues, the aging process progresses faster. Even with regular care, aging becomes an unstoppable factor. Mid-face lift applications are widely preferred today in order to eliminate the signs of aging.
How to recognize mid-face volume loss?
The first place where signs of aging appear is the face. For this reason, it will be enough for people to look in the mirror to understand that there is a loss of mid-face volume. When looking in the mirror, it is seen that the round structure of the face is lost. The face is flattened and deep lines appear on the nose and mouth. In addition, the bags under the eyes become prominent and begin to sag downwards. Deformations in the mid-face area make the person look older than they are. This situation disturbs the person aesthetically. However, mid-face lift aesthetics developed in this direction has a great role in eliminating deformations.
Why is Mid Face Lift Preferred?
Mid-facelift surgery, which is especially preferred by women, makes the skin look tight and young. With the intervention, the voluminous structure lost on the face is restored to the face and the sagging cheeks and under-eye bags regain a tight appearance. The cheekbone, which causes a weak appearance, is brought to a fuller structure with mid-facelift surgery. In this way, the face has a young and dynamic structure. Fine lines on the edge of the nose are permanently eliminated.
How is Mid Face Lift Surgery Performed?
Mid-facelift surgery, which is performed in clinical settings and by plastic surgeons, aims to give the person the youthful appearance they want. General anesthesia used during surgery eliminates the patient's feeling of pain or pain. The patient's scalp is cut and in this way, procedures are performed on the mid-face with tiny cameras.
What are the Prices for a Mid Face Lift?
One of the most curious issues for patients who want to have a mid-facelift surgery is the prices of mid-facelift surgery. For this reason, patients should first get support from an experienced clinic. During the preliminary interviews, fees are determined in line with the needs of the person. Along with the mid-face lift surgery, supplementary procedures are effective in determining the procedures. In addition, factors such as the preferred clinic doctor's experience and the city of residence are decisive in determining the prices.
What are the Benefits of Mid Face Lift Surgery?
Mid-facelift surgery, which is preferred for healthy and youthful skin, positively affects the person psychologically and socially. The benefits of mid-face lift surgery, which is preferred by those who want to challenge aging and want to feel more beautiful and attractive in front of the mirror, are as follows:With mid-face lift surgery, the cheeks become fuller and the cheekbones become prominentDeep wrinkles and fine lines on the skin are eliminated by pulling up the fat pads.A tired and old facial expression is replaced by a lively and tense facial expression.The results of mid-face lift surgery are both successful and lasting for a long time.The soft tissue in the mid-face area is renewed after the procedures performed.The fine lines around the lower eyelid are eliminated and the deformations in this part are eliminated.The face gains a young and dynamic structure.


Check out the comments of those who have aesthetic procedures in our clinic.

Merve BallıMay, 10, 2023

My teacher Cahit is the only doctor I trust with my eyes closed for all operations and procedures 🤗 I would like to thank all his team, especially Ms. Buket, for their interest. I am very pleased with the Power Shape device, thanks also to Ms. Sevgi

Ilayda TerlemezMay 5, 2023

I also preferred Cahit vural beauty for skin care. If you want to get a care suitable for your skin from a very caring and kind person, I recommend Sevgi lady. She applied the necessary procedures to my extremely sensitive skin by being very gentle.

Öznur KURTApril 17, 2023

The only place I said why I didn't go before. I had rhinoplasty, bichectomy, jowl lipo procedures, all perfect from each other. Besides the fact that our teacher is so good, his team is very friendly and extremely interested. I would like to thank each of them a thousand times for everything. 🖤

S DEMİRDAĞApril 8, 2023

I have been coming to Cahit Vural beauty brand for about 5 years on recommendation and I am incredibly satisfied I have been having botox and fillers until now. But today I had skin care hydrafacial care for the first time. Ms. Sevgi made my skin care In a calm, quiet and relaxing environment, it was a very relaxing application with the miraculous fingers of Ms. Sevgi. I am eagerly waiting for the next session I felt a refreshing relaxation on my face I will post my comments as I come to other sessions Thank you very much, health to Ms. Sevgi's hands

Ebrar GülerMarch 28, 2023

I had breast augmentation surgery 3 years ago. 1 month ago, nose surgery was both great. You are super. Thanks to your hands ♥️ My two surgery processes were great with the understanding and helpfulness of the team. They were always with me in the process. You are great 🙏🏻 I highly recommend it. Again, I will come to you again ♥️😍

Kübra AydoğduMarch 13, 2023

In March, I had a nose surgery with cahit teacher, I am now in my 5th month and I am incredibly satisfied, he gives importance to your request before the surgery and explains how the nose can be with photographs and listens to the patient, so I was extremely satisfied with the result, just as I wanted, he just reduced the size and made a nose that suits my face very well, at the same time, he also reduced my concha for my breathing problem, thanks to this, I now breathe very well. I couldn't decide for years and always postponed this surgery, but thanks to the sincerity and talent of my cahit teacher, I am very happy now, you can trust him blindfolded, he is definitely number 1 in turkey💕

Eylem ElenaMarch 5, 2023

Dr. I had maternity aesthetics at Cahit Vural Bey and everything was very beautiful. The team is super. They took care very well. Especially Rahime Hanim. I can recommend it very much.


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How to recognize mid-face volume loss?

The first place where signs of aging appear is the face. For this reason, it will be enough for people to look in the mirror to understand that there is a loss of mid-face volume. When looking in the mirror, it is seen that the round structure of the face is lost. The face is flattened and deep lines appear on the nose and mouth. In addition, the bags under the eyes become prominent and begin to sag downwards. Deformations in the mid-face area make the person look older than they are. This situation disturbs the person aesthetically. However, mid-face lift aesthetics developed in this direction has a great role in eliminating deformations.

Why is Mid Face Lift Preferred?

Mid-facelift surgery, which is especially preferred by women, makes the skin look tight and young. With the intervention, the voluminous structure lost on the face is restored to the face and the sagging cheeks and under-eye bags regain a tight appearance. The cheekbone, which causes a weak appearance, is brought to a fuller structure with mid-facelift surgery. In this way, the face has a young and dynamic structure. Fine lines on the edge of the nose are permanently eliminated.

How is Mid Face Lift Surgery Performed?

Mid-facelift surgery, which is performed in clinical settings and by plastic surgeons, aims to give the person the youthful appearance they want. General anesthesia used during surgery eliminates the patient's feeling of pain or pain. During the operation, the fat pads that cause sagging on the patient's face are lifted upwards and the desired tension is achieved. In this way, the cheekbones are also shaped and the mid-face, which is the center of the face, gains a youthful appearance. Deep lines and wrinkles that occur in the soft tissue during mid-face lift surgery are eliminated with the stretching process. The aesthetic stitches used during surgery disappear spontaneously over time.

Before After

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Mid Face Lift Prices

One of the most curious issues for patients who want to have a mid-facelift surgery is the prices of mid-facelift surgery. For this reason, patients should first get support from an experienced clinic. During the preliminary interviews, fees are determined in line with the needs of the person. Along with the mid-face lift surgery, supplementary procedures are effective in determining the procedures. In addition, factors such as the preferred clinic doctor's experience and the city of residence are decisive in determining the prices.

Benefits of Mid Facelift Surgery

Mid-facelift surgery, which is preferred for healthy and youthful skin, positively affects the person psychologically and socially. The benefits of mid-face lift surgery, which is preferred by those who want to challenge aging and those who want to feel more beautiful and attractive in front of the mirror, are as follows: With mid-facelift surgery, the cheeks become fuller and the cheekbones become prominent. Deep wrinkles and fine lines on the skin are eliminated by pulling up the fat pads. A tired and aged facial expression is replaced by a lively and tense facial expression. The results of mid-face lift surgery are both successful and long-lasting. The soft tissue in the mid-face area is renewed after the procedures. Fine lines around the lower eyelid are eliminated and deformations in this area are eliminated. The face gains a young and dynamic structure.

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Before Mid Face Lift Surgery

Patients who want to undergo mid-facelift surgery should pay attention to a number of issues to make them suitable for the operation. The patient should undergo a medical examination before the operation and check the suitability of his/her health condition for the operation. Vitamin E-containing products and blood thinners should be avoided. If one of these products is used, it should be stopped 7 days before the operation. Products such as alcohol and cigarettes should not be used during this period as they will negatively affect the healing process. Before the mid-facelift surgery, patients are recommended to use vitamin C-containing products 3 weeks in advance.

After Mid Face Lift Surgery

Mid-facelift surgery, which is widely preferred after the thirties, makes the skin look fresh and vibrant. Since the area where the procedure will take place after surgery is a sensitive point, it is necessary to walk upright. Antibiotics are recommended along with painkillers against any pain and infection risk. It is necessary to protect the mid-face area against sun rays and avoid heavy exercises. After the mid-face lift surgery, patients can wash starting from the 2nd day. A quality rest and regular sleep during a period of time will accelerate the healing process. Light walks during the day should avoid heavy work outside. It will also be healthier not to drive for a certain period of time.