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What is Butt Aesthetics?

A beautiful butt is the desire of almost all women. My consultant patients mostly express that they want to have tight, upright and not too big buttocks. When looking at butt aesthetics, I can say that women in our country, which is predominantly Mediterranean type, are actually lucky compared to the Far East race, because the Far East race is generally dominated by a flat butt structure. In our case, we usually perform butt reduction with liposaction for patients who apply to surgery. After this application, it is very important to strengthen the muscles in the butt, I recommend many of my patients to strengthen the applications made to the butt by doing squats (exercise movement that strengthens the butt muscles) at home after butt aesthetics. One of the most important expectations of women in butt aesthetics is to eliminate the appearance of cellulite. We perform different applications in butt aesthetics, these are the procedures we perform with surgical techniques or devices that can be applied in the clinic, taking into account the patient's wishes. The system vela shape Velashape, which is one of the leading devices applied in our clinic; The new version vela shape, which is the new version, combines 3 different energies synergistically in people who do not want to be surgical, who want to shrink in the hip area and in the elimination of cellulite: -Bi-Polar radiofrequency -infrared -Mechanical tissue manipulation with pulsed vacuum This system, in which the combination of infrared and vacuum is paired with radiofrequency, causes deep heating of fat cells, surrounding connective tissue and collagen fibers underneath. The optimal design of the electrodes and the simultaneous application of vacuum allows the heat to reach deeper.

Result of Butt Aesthetics

The result we see clinically: Local reduction in skin laxity, tissue volume, general improvement in skin structure and texture. It provides a visible improvement in the appearance of cellulite. While the fat injection applied to the buttocks in butt aesthetics is effective in lifting the butt up, it may be necessary to repeat the application 2-3 times in terms of permanence. Although it seems very attractive to apply with one's own fat, the biggest problem is whether there is enough fat in the body to be applied to the buttocks. If there is too much deformation in the butt, it is more effective to apply prosthesis in these cases such as physical deformity, collapse. Butt Aesthetics with Aaquafilling Filling: Permanent water-based fillers called aquafilling, also completely non-surgical, can be used to add volume and enlargement in the hip, buttocks, hip area. This application is a non-surgical application with local anesthesia. After non-surgical buttock augmentation, the patient can return to normal life immediately. Permanence is between 4 - 8 years.


Butt Lift

The upright and tight appearance of the hips is a feature that is aesthetically attractive to all of us, men and women. Depending on age, the muscles in the buttocks fall downward with the effect of gravity. We have various methods that we apply both surgically and clinically for butt lift. When we say butt lift, of course, it is impossible not to mention Brazilian women with thin waist and full hips dominated by the mulatto race, but here I should mention that the Brazilian butt is a genetic heritage. Despite this, they make an effort to preserve this feature, walking, dancing and of course proper nutrition help them preserve this heritage. The fact that the Brazilian butt has a dense muscle structure is an important factor in maintaining this structure. What should not be forgotten in butt lift is the use of this area in sitting and lying down. This is the need for continuity for the permanence of the procedures performed.

Butt Lift Process

The rope hanging method, which shows results in a short time for butt lift, is one of the most popular applications of recent times. We can apply this method, which is applied in case of loosening and falling down in the buttocks, only in small buttocks. The procedure takes 30-40 minutes under local anesthesia. The patient can return to work the next day, the threads are in a form that is compatible with the body, has no allergy risk and melts over time. The threads are passed through the hip fold and the butt is pulled upwards. The patient should not sit for a long time immediately after the hip suspension procedure, which requires you to pay attention for the first three weeks. In case of strain, the stitches do not break because they are very strong, they tear the tissue and loosen the buttocks. We recommend wearing compression stockings for the first three weeks and sitting very carefully. After the first three weeks, this risk decreases and after 6 weeks there is no scar on the buttocks. If you only want to get a little form for butt lift and tighten the loose tissue, we can benefit from the muscle-tightening vela shape method, which triggers fibroblasts in the non-invasive tissue and provides elastin and collagen synthesis. The application, where 4-6 sessions once a week are sufficient, is especially satisfactory for women with hip problems.

Butt Lift Result

As a result, butt lift is a procedure that requires joint work with the patient and the patient should carefully follow the recommendations made by the physician after the application. Regular appropriate exercises after the healing process will prolong the life of the procedure.

Butt Aesthetics Istanbul

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Butt Aesthetic Prices

Buttock Aesthetic Prices vary according to the type of anesthesia to be applied and the type of operation. Please contact us for more information about Buttock Aesthetic Prices.