Face Lift

Sagging occurs in every part of the body over time, but since our face is the first place we see when we look in the mirror, the effect of gravity and factors such as the quality of life of the person and smoking are added, and a downward sagging begins. Unfortunately, we call this a sign of aging. The upward lively and fresh appearance of the face is a sign of youth. This image, which occurs with the advancement of age, allows us to clarify the facial oval and achieve a younger appearance with the lifting of the face.

Face Lifting

Facial lifting

A downward sagging begins in every part of the body over time, but since our face is the first place we see when we look in the mirror, when the effect of gravity and factors such as the quality of life of the person and smoking are added. Unfortunately, we call this a sign of aging. The upward lively and fresh appearance of the face is a sign of youth. This image, which occurs with the advancement of age, allows us to clarify the facial oval and achieve a younger appearance by lifting the face upwards.

Here we will look specifically at face lifting methods, not what needs to be done in order to take the whole body as a whole and to age well and age without aging.

A young, dynamic face should have a protrusion at the level of the cheekbones and a depression at the level of the mouth. Cheeks sag downwards with the effects of gravity and aging. So much so that this sagging can now become prominent enough to reveal the cheekbones. Moreover, these sagging tissues also create a fullness at the level of the mouth. This causes the face to take on a square appearance.

Endoscopic mid-face lift, which I apply the most as a plastic surgeon in face lifting and has high patient satisfaction, is an effective surgery in the disappearance of this image we are talking about.

Look at your face at a 45 degree angle in the mirror. Under normal conditions, it is ideal that your cheekbones are high and your cheeks are as far inside as possible at the mouth level. If these proportions are reversed, that is, if your cheeks are protruding but your cheekbones are flattened, this surgery may be suitable for you. A significant number of patients who have this surgery may be in their 20s and people with congenital sagging cheeks.

What is Face Lift?

Face lift is another surgery is the classical face lift operation. The sagging of the face is corrected by hanging the structure called Smass, which forms the muscle, fat and nerve tissue on the face, and the skin that forms abundance is also removed to the appropriate extent. At the same time, the signs of aging on the upper and lower eyelids can also be corrected. The skin is removed from this area and the displaced fats are moved to the appropriate place and the excess ones are removed. In addition, sagging occurs in the neck area after the 60s. Again, during facelift surgery, the neck muscle can be collected as if wearing an inner corset. The sagging skin can be removed to the appropriate extent. In patients with excess weight, it may also be necessary to remove fat from the neck.

The facial skin is lifted with a surgical incision starting from the scalp above the ear and extending down in front of the ear and continuing from behind the ear to the scalp behind the ear. The soft tissue containing the facial muscles that cause sagging on the face is suspended with special sutures. The excess skin is removed. Thus, the skin abundance in the temple, cheek and chin area is eliminated. The depth of the smile lines at the corner of the mouth is reduced. The operation is performed under general anaesthesia. Eyelid aesthetics and neck lift can also be performed during facelift. For this reason, the duration of surgery can vary between 4 and 7 hours.

A day after the operation, the drain placed behind the ear to prevent the collection of fluids in the area is removed. Postoperative ice application accelerates the healing process. The patient is discharged on the 2nd day of surgery. In 1 week, the stitches on the face and eyelids are removed. On the 10th day, the metal stitches in the hair are removed. You can take a bath 2 days after the operation. It is normal to have a numbness on the face that improves in about a few weeks.