What is Face Lift?

Nowadays, as a result of gravity, aging and environmental factors, sagging and wrinkles may occur on people’s faces. This wrinkle causes the person to look older than his/her age. Although women are more disturbed by aging, men are now complaining about the aging problem. People prefer facial rejuvenation applications to get rid of this old age. One of these applications is facelift. When performing a facelift operation, surgeons can apply a procedure to a specific area or to the entire face. One of the biggest reasons for this is that the whole face looks more pleasant when it is in harmony. Surgeons correct the sagging on the face in the facelift operation and remove the skin that forms abundance on the face in an appropriate way. In addition, the signs of aging on the upper and lower eyelids can also be corrected during the operation. In this region, procedures such as moving the displaced fats to the appropriate place and skin removal are performed. In addition, sagging occurs in the neck area of women over the age of 60. Again with the help of this operation, neck muscles can be collected. The sagging skin is removed to the appropriate extent. In addition, facelift surgeries applied to patients do not completely stop aging. The tense image provided by the surgery on the face of the patients is not permanent for life. The facial skin of the patients who have undergone the operation continues to age like every human being. Patients can undergo another facelift operation after 5 – 10 years if they wish. Although facelift surgery is not permanent, the patient looks better than before the surgery.

Complications After Facelift

Blood accumulation can be a problem after surgery and doctors take drainage measures for this. The drain allows the accumulated fluids under the skin to be absorbed. Not removing the drain for at least 24 hours will prevent such a problem from occurring. There is no major bleeding after the operation and the drain will be an important solution for small accumulations.

One of the most curious issues for those who have facelift surgery is the problem of infection. People who perform this operation usually do not have infection problems and rarely encounter such patients.

The most important thing to be considered after this surgery is not to smoke. As a matter of fact, with smoking, many things performed by the doctor in the surgery will lose their validity. The skin is lifted after this operation and smoking afterwards will cause blockage of the capillaries. Therefore, smoking should be your biggest enemy after facelift. At least as long as the doctor should not smoke. As a result of the inhibition of blood circulation, bruising or blackening conditions begin to occur, which is a life-threatening factor for human life.

One of the complications is hair loss, which is rarely seen, and this will stop after a short time. Likewise, the problem of numbness in the skin is rarely seen and this feeling will be recovered after a while.