Information about Fat Removal - Types and Advantages

Liposuction, also known as liposuction, which contains many misconceptions about today, helps to eliminate the fat layer accumulated in different parts of our body. Although the origin of the word liposuction comes from Latin, it is realised by removing fat cells instead of excess fat in the body. This subtle help is actually important for those who want to remove fat. The reason is that fat cells do not change after puberty. Weight gain depends on the fat cells in the regions. Fat removal is applied to the abdomen, hips, thighs, arms and neck areas of the body. 2. 5-4. 5 litres of fat can be removed at a time. However, it is possible to find surgeons who take more fat. Fat removal takes place between 1-3 hours. As there will be risks in all kinds of surgeries, there are risks in liposuction surgery. These are blood accumulation, bruising, numbness, etc. other discomforts. Necessary tests are applied before the operation. If the fat removal surgery is suitable for the person, it survives smoothly before and after the procedure with the doctor’s instructions.

How is Fat Removal (Liposuction) Performed?

  • The necessary tests are performed before fat removal surgery.
  • Before the procedure, the area where the fat removal operation will be performed is marked.
  • After the patient is anaesthetised, the procedure is started in a sterile environment.
  • A sterile liquid solution is injected into the area to be treated. Thus, with less pain in that area, there is epinephrine (adrenaline drug), physiological serum (saline) and bicarbonate, which narrows the blood vessels and prevents bleeding. The injected liquid numbs and hardens the skin.
  • Small incisions are made in the skin and a cannula connected to a vacuum machine is inserted. The vacuum tube is moved back and forth to break up the fat and vacuumise it.
  • Thus, excess blood and fluid are drained. If desired, the incisions can be left open to prevent oedema after the operation.
  • After the operation is finished, the patient is stitched. The operated area is wrapped with a bandage.
  • The patient is usually under observation for one day against possible complications.

Types of Liposuction

  • Tumescent (Inflation) Liposuction

It is injected into that area with a syringe before the operation. Then a small incision is made in that area. A thin tube is inserted into that area to remove the fat. The machine is started and the broken fat pieces are pulled out with the help of a thin tube. Again, if anaesthesia is not applied, there is no need for supervision.

  • Laser Liposuction (Lal)

After the liquid is injected into this area, laser energy, also known as light waves, is applied to soften the fat layer. After this procedure, the fat is crushed and an incision is made in that area. A cannula is inserted through the incision and the fat removal process begins. If necessary, a separate wavelength that compresses the skin is used. Swelling, bruising and redness occur after the operation.

  • Ultrasonic Liposuction

In this procedure, the previously specified area is marked. Liquid is injected to harden the skin. A cannula connected to a metal rod that emits sound waves, in other words ultrasonic energy, is inserted into the small incision. In this way, fat walls are broken down and fat intake is facilitated. This procedure has many advantages.

  • The fluctuation and collapse are less.
  • It can be applied to larger surfaces. However, it is applied to superficial, deep, middle areas.
  • The skin recovers more easily after the procedure.

There are disadvantages as well as advantages. These are stated as follows;

  • Although the fat removal process is beautiful and successful, the desired result may not be achieved in skin tightening.
  • There is a slight possibility of burns on the skin or tissues due to ultrasound energy.

After Surgery

Liposuction postoperative care, infection, etc. may vary depending on the amount of fat removed. The transition to daily life is completed within a few days with the instructions given by the doctor. Smoking, alcohol, etc. Staying away from such things until the body heals provides a more comfortable and painless recovery. After the procedure, you should wait 4-5 weeks to see the result you want. This period can go up to 6 weeks. If you maintain your weight, it is possible to encounter results. It is even possible to achieve permanent results.

How Much Are Fat Removal Surgeries?

Price averages may vary according to provinces. . It varies between 8000-25. 000 TL in Istanbul and between 10. 000-25. 000 TL in Izmir. You should find a suitable doctor for the real price and meet face to face. If there are no reliable doctors in such surgeries, the procedure may not be as you imagine.