What is Vaser Liposuction? How is it done?

One of the most effective benefits of today’s technology is Liposuction. Liposuction; It is called the process of removing subcutaneous fat tissue from the body. However, we get rid of unwanted fat tissues in our body. One of the biggest problems of the time is overweight. There are many dieters around us, those who are not successful in this regard apply to liposuction method. The most effective and preferred liposuction method is vaser liposuction. Sound waves (ultrasound) are used with vaser liposuction. This method is extremely reliable. The patient returns to normal life in a short time. In other words, Vaser lipo breaks down fat with ultrasound method.

Where are the Application Areas of Vaser Liposuction?

Simple anaesthesia or painkillers are applied in the application of Vaser lipo. No pain is felt during and after the application. Fat areas in the body become proportional. It is applied to many areas of the body such as;

* Abdomen

* Leg

* Arm

* Butt

* Waist circumference

* Hip area

* Back area

* Chin and jowl area

Who is Vaser Liposuction Applied to?

If you cannot get rid of the fat in your body. If the diet and sports did not bring you to the body you want, the method you will apply here is vaser lipo. You will get rid of stubborn fat with vaser liposuction. All adults without any health barriers can have it done. It is not only applied to pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding. From time to time after birth, excess weight sticks to us and can turn into a fat layer. Vaser lipo can be applied to women who have finished breastfeeding.

What awaits us after Vaser Liposuction?

It is applied in a way that does not disrupt the skin structure. Since the fats under the skin are intervened, tightening occurs in the body. It does not harm the skin in any way. The most curious issue in Vaser Lipo is whether there is a scar or not. Since it is a small surgical operation, there is no obvious scar. The remaining scar in the form of faint scratch disappears in a short time. It is recommended to wear a corset by experts after the operation. This allows you to get a tighter and natural appearance. If the person had an operation in the summer season, it is recommended to use a seasonal corset.

The corset should be worn for 3 weeks. The recovery period takes up to 10 days. After the operation, the hospital stay is sometimes one day, most of the time it is sent home on the same day. Although everyone’s body is different, you can usually return to normal life within a few days. Postoperative swelling, bruising and redness are considered normal. As in every operation, it is usual to be seen in vaser lipo. It is an operation generally recommended by young people compared to the elderly. The recovery period of young people is easier and earlier. In order not to gain weight again after the operation, lean and wholemeal foods should be preferred. As with everyone else, we need to increase water consumption after vaser lipo. Water both removes oedema and slows down weight gain as it accelerates our metabolism. In addition, we should avoid foods that will tire our stomach and try to consume fruits and vegetables. We should also continue our sports exercises, which is the indispensable golden rule of healthy life, without interruption.

Vaser lipo is an operation that is widely performed all over the world and in our country. Although the aim is to lose weight, Vaser Lipo is not designed to lose weight. Vaser lipo is an operation that can be repeated if deemed appropriate by the specialist. However, the person undergoing the operation must strictly follow the doctor’s advice. The result of the treatment shows its effect after 4-5 weeks. It should be performed by a specialist in the field. As long as hygiene conditions are provided, there is no infection situation. It is performed in many centres.