Fat Removal with Vaser Lipo Method

Over time, due to sedentary lifestyle and the foods consumed, people develop regional fat deposits. Since this situation causes an unpleasant situation in terms of physique, efficient results are obtained with the fat removal procedure to be performed in the areas that cause negativity in terms of proportions. Fat removal is frequently used especially in areas where fat is intense such as hips, legs, hips, waist and back. The vaser lipo method, which gives effective results, allows you to get rid of fat cells that cannot be melted by sports or diet by finding, breaking down and expelling the moulded fat cells. In some cases, it may cause discomfort to people if it develops larger or skewed than it should be. It may be a congenital problem, or deterioration in the structure may occur due to external factors over time. Nose aesthetics allows you to get successful results in this area. Thanks to many different procedures such as nose lifting, arch removal, tip correction, and reduction, more pleasant and beautiful looking structures can be created. Since general anaesthesia is used in open or closed operations, the patient does not feel any pain. The patient is discharged on the same day and is allowed to spend the healing process at home.

If the breast structure is small or excessively large in some women, this can be intervened with chest aesthetics. Thanks to the controls to be performed by aesthetic surgery, the most appropriate operation can be selected and the person can be treated in a way that the person will feel better. In small breasts, silicone moulds are used to create larger structures, while in the same way, successful results are obtained with a reduction operation for breasts that are large and cause back pain, helping the patient to feel better.