Vaser Hi-Def Liposelection

Innovations in the field of plastic surgery are constantly updated with the developing technology. It is possible to respond more painlessly and easily with three-dimensional ultrasonic liposuction (hi-def vaser) to the desire to have a better-looking body, to have more prominent muscles, to have body contours in accordance with the beauty criteria.

Vaser Hi-Def Liposelection

Innovations in the field of plastic surgery are constantly updated with the developing technology. It is possible to respond more painlessly and easily with three-dimensional ultrasonic liposuction (hi-def vaser) to the desire to have a better looking body, to have more prominent muscles, to have body lines in accordance with the beauty criteria.

Hi-Def vaser liposelection system is a system that responds to these requests, creating more fit and prominent body lines, facilitating the surgeon’s work, which does not have excess fat tissue compared to the classical fat removal process, but offers the opportunity to work on sensitive tissues that disturb the person.

Hi-def vaser, which is a system that we use to make abdominal muscle (six pack or diamond slices), which takes a very long time to be done with sports, especially in male patients, and sometimes even not possible due to time and health problems of people, is a very successful and satisfying application.

The procedure performed on the arms increases the prominence of the deltoid, biceps and triceps muscles. The procedure performed in the chest area increases the prominence of the pectoral, latissimus dorsi, and serratus muscles. The procedure performed in the abdomen and waist region reveals the rectus abdominis (six pack or diamond slices), oblique and para vertebral muscles and the trapezius muscle in the back region. In the leg region, the vastus, lateralis, vastus medialis, rectus femoris, gastrocnemius muscles are hi def treated.

Vaser Hi-Def Liposelection Process

The main benefits of this method, which can be counted in large numbers, are that it is specific to fat cells, prevents unnecessary blood loss, offers a very comfortable healing process to patients, provides a much healthier recovery of skin elasticity, and the fat cells taken with this method, which are specific to fat cells, preserve their vitality. Since it is specific to fat cells, it does not cause connective tissue damage, which allows for a rapid tightening and healing of the skin. Again, due to its specificity on fat cells, there is no damage to the vessels and unnecessary blood loss is prevented, in addition, the fact that the nerves and muscles are not affected helps to avoid unnecessary postoperative pain. The fact that the fat cells do not lose their vitality during this procedure allows autologous tissue transfer, which is a great benefit in leg, hip and breast shaping procedures where fat cells are needed intensively.

For all these procedures, no incisions are made in the body, only 3 mm wide holes are made. All holes are made from the fold areas and hidden.

It should be underlined that the method is not a slimming method. This surgery is the process of shaping the body like a sculptor in accordance with the body structure of the person. These fats are injected into the desired area to create more sporty and distinct lines by removing the fats in the unwanted or unpleasant area.

Another feature of hi-def liposelection is that it gives effective results especially in the treatment of cellulite in women.

After Vaser Hi-Def Liposelection

The duration of the operation varies approximately 2-4 hours depending on the regions and size of the 3D shaping to be performed on the body. During these hours, the desired body shape is given without any exercise. For example, a patient who has never had a six-pack wakes up on the operating table having achieved his dream. The special corset to be given after the operation should be worn for 2-3 weeks. There is no serious pain after the operation, but if there is pain, it can be felt for about 2-3 days, especially in the abdomen. With this method, which does not interrupt social life and does not prevent people from work, even exercise can be started within 1 week if desired.