Liquid Face Lift

With the passage of years and the effect of gravity, differences in skin texture occur. Fat tissue decreases, the skin becomes thinner, sagging and wrinkles occur on the skin. In general, skin quality begins to deteriorate and skin deformations begin to occur. One of the procedures that can be performed without surgical intervention for such situations is liquid facelift application. The reason why it is called liquid facelift; liquid substances are injected under the skin and it contains very useful substances for the skin such as hyaluronic acid, vitamin and mineral combination. These substances are completely compatible with the body. It fills the place of tissue loss under the skin and is applied to the deformed areas of the skin. With the procedure, the filling of those areas and an upward lifting effect is expected. The skin regenerates, regenerates, recovers and the tired, unhappy expression disappears. Although the application areas vary according to the skin and facial structure, in general; cheekbones, under the eyes, between the eyebrows, lip edge lines, etc.

How is the liquid face lift procedure applied?

The procedure is very easy and comfortable. Since there is no surgical procedure such as stitches and incisions, there is no healing process. You can return to social life on the same day. Before the application, a skin analysis and examination in a clinical environment is recommended by the physician. Before starting the procedure, the skin is cleaned and an anaesthetic cream is applied. Skin numbness is expected for 15-20 minutes. And then the process of sending fluid under the skin begins. This method is injected with a fine-tipped needle.

It is a painless and painless method.

The permanence varies in every skin, but it is between 8 months and 1 year on average.

It should definitely be applied by a specialist physician.

After the liquid face lift application, you can return to your daily life on the same day without breaking away from social life. It is recommended to consume plenty of water after the application.

It is recommended with surgical interventions in patients with serious sagging problems.