Hair Mesotherapy

Hair loss up to an average of 100 hair strands per day is considered normal. In cases where hair loss is excessive, this balance is disturbed and subsequently the hair progresses towards baldness and baldness. Some of the most common causes of hair loss are genetic predisposition, hormonal disorder, stress and vitamin deficiency.

What is hair mesotherapy?

Hair mesotherapy is a method of administering mesotherapy products (vitamin, protein and mineral substance cocktails) under the scalp to solve hair problems. Hair mesotherapy is a scientifically effective application to protect, nourish and revitalise existing hair.

How is hair mesotherapy performed?

A topical anaesthetic (cream or spray) is applied to the area to be applied before the procedure. Then the application is started. Mesotherapy application can be applied with micro-needles or with mesotherapy guns, which is a more painless and practical method today. The application takes approximately 15-20 minutes. The person can return to his/her social life immediately after the procedure.

Which hair problems is the hair mesotherapy procedure effective on?

Hair loss,

Situations where the hair is weak and weak,

Rapidly broken hair,

It is an effective method on hair damaged as a result of dye, blow-drying, excessive chemicals.

Effects of hair mesotherapy?

It stops hair loss significantly.

It makes the hair healthier and more vibrant.

It nourishes the hair cells.

Can hair mesotherapy be applied to areas other than the scalp?

Hair mesotherapy can be applied to the hair area as well as other areas that contain hair follicles. These areas are beard, moustache and favourite areas in men.

How many sessions and how often should hair mesotherapy be applied?

The number of sessions may vary depending on the hair quality and complaints of the person. On average, 8-10 sessions are recommended. The effect starts to become evident from the 6th-7th session. The session intervals continue as 1 session per week for the first 3-4 applications, 1 session per 15 days and then 1 session per month.

With which procedures can hair mesotherapy be applied together?

Hair mesotherapy can be applied together with PRP treatment. When these 2 procedures are applied together, the results obtained will be at a higher level.