Q Switch Laser System

It is a laser treatment method that has recently been used very frequently in both congenital and acquired spot treatments, tattoo removal, hair yellowing, lightening the darkness around the eyes.

What is Q Switch Laser System?

It is a laser treatment method that is frequently used in both congenital and acquired stain treatments, tattoo removal, hair yellowing, darkening around the eyes.

Q Switch Laser System Areas Used?

Blemish Treatment; It is used together with carbon peeling to gradually lighten the stain. In particular, the melanosomes that cause the stain are broken into small particles and destroyed by the stem cells of the skin under the skin. During the carbon peeling process, Q switch laser with peeling effect provides very successful results in tightening the pores, shrinking the sebaceous glands and reducing acne. Average session intervals are held at intervals of 1-2 weeks in spot treatment.

Treatment of Darkness Around the Eyes: Another name of this treatment method is called Green tonic. If there is excess colour around the eyes, Q Switch Laser is used to reduce the colour cells. Session intervals vary depending on the person. On average, 4-6 sessions are sufficient.

Tattoo Removal; It is now possible to remove tattoos. Q switch Ndyag Laser is one of the widest technologies in tattoo removal with its beams of different colours and wavelengths. The effective energy in the laser system is applied to the tattooed area in a short time. When tattoos are made, the dyes used, the depths of the dyes can be completely erased or a slight silhouette can remain. Especially old tattoos are easier to remove. However, new tattoos are more difficult to erase. If there are more iron and copper alloys in the material used, it becomes more difficult to erase the paint. Since amateur tattoos are given to different depths compared to professionally made tattoos, it is often difficult to completely remove the paint. Tattoo removal sessions with Q Switch Laser lasts between 3-10 sessions depending on the dye used and the application performed. It is done between 6 and 8 weeks.

What to Pay Attention to in Coloured Tattoos

Q Switch Ndyag Laser device is deleted in coloured tattoos using different heads, but tattoos in blue tones are more difficult to delete.

Q switch Ndyag laser Hair Yellowing; It is the most successful and effective method of getting rid of quince hair (fine hair). With this method, the appearance that disturbs the person with the hairs called Q switch Ndyag Laser quince hair becomes invisible by yellowing. There is no pain during the procedure. It can continue its daily life after the procedure. It is not a permanent hair loss method. It is restored in 7-8 weeks, but the appearance that disturbs the person that the hairs are thinner than before is gone. Q switch laser is a device that can be applied in summer and winter and is suitable for all skin types. It is preferred by many people, the most important factors of its preference are that it is done in a short time, it is easy and comfortable and can return to daily life after the procedure.