What is Post Bariatric Surgery?

There are some surgical and clinical methods to combat the high rate of weight problems. What is Post Bariatric Surgery, which is the method applied for patients who want to get rid of the sagging and loosening that occur in the body after these methods are applied? The special name given to patients with a body mass index of 40 and above will be obesity. In the treatment of this disease, along with stomach reduction surgery, solutions are sought with sports and dieting. After the stomach reduction surgery performed on people, weight loss of approximately 40 or 50 kilos occurs in patients. After this loss, some unwanted scars remain on the body. After stretching and sagging of the skin, sagging and looseness occur around the arms, face, legs, abdomen and waist. Thanks to Post Bariatric Surgery, it becomes possible to get rid of sagging and loosening.

Who is Post Bariatric Surgery Suitable for?

In order to start surgical intervention, certain conditions are expected to be fulfilled on the patient. What is Post Bariatric Surgery and on whom it can be applied will be reported.

  • The patient is expected to have lost a high rate of weight after sports, diet or stomach reduction operations,
  • Sagging and loosening are expected to have occurred in certain parts of the body due to weight loss,
  • The patient’s weight control must be stabilised after the stomach reduction operation. For this, an average period of 6 months to 18 months is needed.
  • A diet should be applied for protein and other important material deficiencies in the body,
  • Leg lift is applied for the leg area, while stretching or filling operation is performed for the face area.
  • The health condition of the patient who will undergo the operation should be stable and weight-related problems should be eliminated.

Post Bariatric Surgery

Although the recovery process varies according to the patients, patients usually feel well after 3 or 4 weeks. While the dressing continues for 5 days after the operation, patients are kept under observation. The permanent results of the applications are visible after 3 months. It is an important surgical operation with a high success rate.

Our article What is Post Bariatric Surgery who can undergo surgery and information about the situations that develop afterwards is given.