Palormar Fractional Laser

Skin ageing is different from other organs. The skin ages not only from the inside but also from the outside. The main difference that distinguishes the largest organ of your body, your skin, from other organs is that it is also open to external influences. Your heart, liver or lungs are unaware of changes in temperature or humidity. While internal organs are not affected by rainy, snowy, windy, dry or damp weather, your skin is in the middle of all these changes. It ages both internally and externally. Apart from your inner world, air pollution, factory fumes, industrial vapours, smoking, exhaust gases also affect your skin.

Researches show that 80-90% of aging-related skin problems are caused by environmental damages. Genetic factors and other internal factors are also important, but their power does not exceed 20 per cent. If you want to implement an effective “aging slowing programme”, you have to learn about environmental aging and know how to prevent it. The question of how to prevent skin ageing caused by environmental factors is the most important problem to be answered. You need to add sun protection measures, smoking and increasing your body’s antioxidant capacity to the sub-headings of this question.
Well, can we do all this, of course, the answer is no for many of us. Then skin aging is dramatically evident, especially in the face area. At this point, the face needs to be refreshed. I would like to talk about a new laser technology that stands out among many regeneration techniques. Palomar Fractional Laser. A technology that rejuvenates the face without causing peeling. Fractional, that is, fragmented laser lights enter the skin from many points and do not cause any trauma to the surface of the skin. For this reason, it is different from all other laser technologies because it can be easily applied in summer and winter.

There is not much pain during the procedure, just a simple pain like a small needle prick. Another refreshing aspect of the work is that you can return to your daily life immediately after the procedure. In fact, the rejuvenation method based on the principle of self-renewal of the skin by exposing it to a heat source has a very old history. He tells that Turks in Central Asia tried to rejuvenate their faces with candlelight. Laser beams also work on this principle. Carbon dioxide and Erbium lasers have been used for skin rejuvenation for years. However, although both of these types of lasers give successful results, they cause the patient to walk around for a while (carbon dioxide about 1 week, Erbium 3-4 days) with a red skin that cannot go out in public. All these disadvantages are now out of our lives with the new type Palomar Laser.

If you are complaining that you cannot do anything to your face, you can get a younger face in 20 minutes with Palomar Laser.