How is Mid Face Lift Performed?

The mid-face area is the central part of the face, located below the eyes and on the sides of the nose. With the aging process in the mid-face area, there is a loss of volume and a sagging towards the lower points. As a result of this situation, the appearance of the eyelids and the centre points of the face are negatively affected. Mid-face lift is one of the most preferred procedures in this regard. In short, it means the correct application of the stretching process in the central part of the face. Eyelid, cheek, intense lines around the mouth and cheekbones are included in the mid-face lift surgery. Stretching surgeries applied to all these areas are the most preferred application areas by people.

The mid-face area is the central part of the face located under the eyes and on the sides of the nose. With the aging process in the mid-face area, there is a loss of volume and a sagging towards the lower points. As a result of this situation, the appearance of the eyelids and the centre points of the face are negatively affected. Mid-face lift is one of the most preferred procedures in this regard.

In short, it means the correct application of the stretching process in the central part of the face. Eyelid, cheek, intense lines around the mouth and cheekbones are included in the mid-face lift surgery. Stretching surgeries applied to all these areas are the most preferred application areas by people.

Effect of Surgery on Signs of Aging

High rates of success are achieved from the results obtained. Due to its arrangement, the mid-face region has a functional and aesthetic interaction with the lower eyelid at most. Individual differences can be seen in the anatomy of this region. The anatomy of the cheekbone is one of the most important regions for this surgery when individual differences are considered.

Individuals with strong bone structure are strong against mid-face aging. Mid-face aging is common in individuals with weaker bone structure or low resistance of soft tissue to bone attachment. Volume losses and sagging areas in the mid-face area, which occur with aging, are solved with mid-face lift surgeries.

Why is Mid Face Lift Surgery Performed?

Losses in the plump image on the cheekbone and having a flat appearance of the face is a condition that disturbs many people. Mid-face lift surgery is applied in cases such as sagging cheeks due to age progression or genetic factors, pit in the shadow between the eyelid and nose, and increased wrinkles around the mouth.

These operations, which are applied for many sensitive and aesthetic points of the face, help to achieve effective results. Mid-face lift surgery aims to give a younger appearance to the sagging tissues by providing a balance in the impaired volume distribution in the relevant area. The tissues in the mid-face area are released from the lower part of the bone membrane.

How Long Does Mid Face Lift Surgery Take?

The soft tissues released over the bone are mobilised upwards or slightly upwards and diagonally. Then, the procedure is performed in a way that will be suitable for the desired position. Mid-face lift surgery, which lasts between two and three hours with anaesthesia, is an operation that usually requires hospitalisation.

The most suitable age range for mid-face lift surgery is between thirty and fifty years old. The reason why it is often preferred is that the aging in the lower eyelid and cheek is observed at quite advanced levels according to the age of the person.

Reasons for Preferring Midface Lift Surgery

Midface lift surgery is mostly applied in cases where the lower eyelid is visually elongated, the bags are quite prominent, and the cheek mass is low and low in volume. In preparation for mid-facelift surgery, you should inform your doctor about your medical history.

Patients who are taking blood thinners should stop these medications about a week before surgery. As people age, their facial structures lose their flexibility and begin to loosen. When the first signs of aging begin to appear in the body, it is seen intensely in the mid-face area. Symptoms such as reduction in tissues, gravity, gradual weakening of the bonds between tissues indicate mid-face aging.

Mid Face Lift Surgery Methods

In cases such as the formation of dense lines and wrinkles in the lower eyelid, rounding in the lower part of the cheek and under the chin, the folded appearance of the tissues on the face, the formation of dense lines on the sides of the mouth and nose, mid-face lift surgery gives very successful results. The mid-face lift procedure covers a wide range of procedures that include different methods over the years.

The mid-face lift procedure is one of the most effective and permanent solutions among facial rejuvenation methods. In the endoscopic procedure, a three-centimetre incision is made on the temple. Then, the procedure is performed with the help of instruments extending from the lower part of the skin to the midface. Sometimes a small incision made through the mouth can also be added to this procedure.

Process After Mid Face Lift Surgery

Removal of excess fat or fat supplementation to the required areas, areas with a loose structure and sagging are brought to a much better position with the face lift procedure. The other method is an incision from the lower part of the eyelash as in the lower eyelid aesthetics. The doctor sees the middle face part more comfortably and makes shaping. Blood tests are performed before the procedure and preparations are made for anaesthesia.

After the operation, you are not allowed to eat anything for about six hours. However, these periods are determined by the doctor. Swelling of the face is minimised with cold application. On the first night after facelift surgery, swelling and bruises may be expected to be accompanied by mild pain.

Conditions Observed in the Skin After Surgery

The person who usually stays in the hospital overnight is discharged the next day. After facelift surgery, small tubes are placed in the subcutaneous tissue to drain blood and various fluid accumulations. These tubes are removed within forty-eight hours at the latest. When the bandages are opened at the end of the first day, some colour changes and temporary asymmetric images may occur on the skin.

Not much swelling is expected, but it can be considered normal if the skin structure of the person is sensitive. The swelling is generally minimised in 48-72 hours. Swelling and bruises disappear significantly after a few weeks. It is appropriate to wait up to two weeks for the skin colour to improve.

Mid Facelift Surgery Recovery Process

The loss of sensation when touching the face is temporary. It returns to normal in about two months. It is necessary to wait six months for the stitches to heal completely. The incisions on the face during facelift surgery are quite noticeable for a few months.

However, when time passes, the skin colour will improve and the incision scars will disappear. It takes some time for the facial tissue to heal completely. You should wait for this time to see the final result of the face shape. With Mid facelift surgery, the signs of aging are largely removed and the skin has a younger appearance.