How is the Mid Face Lift Procedure Applied?

The operation applied for the lines formed around the eyelid, cheek and mouth in the middle part of the face is called the mid-face lift procedure. This procedure is an operation that is also applied to the cheekbones. These lines on the face can sag with gravity and age progression. In addition, bagging and the prominence of lines also cause a bad appearance. With the mid-face lift surgery, all these negativities on the face are eliminated. The person who undergoes the surgery will have a younger appearance. Endoscopic mid-face lift is a surgical operation performed using an endoscope. This procedure is simpler, painless and quicker than classical facelift operations. The healing and recovery process is faster. Endoscopic mid-face lift operation is not recommended for more advanced signs of aging.

Who is Mid Face Lift Procedure Applied to?

Mid face lift surgery is generally applied to people who have problems in the mid-face area. This surgery is preferred for sagging and hollowing of the part between the eyelid and nose. In addition, this surgery, which is performed to remove wrinkles around the mouth, is generally preferred by middle-aged people. This surgery is performed by making an incision through the lid under the eye or through the mouth. Then the sagging skin on the defective part is hung up and the face is returned to its shaped form.

How Long Does The Lifting Procedure Take?

Middle face lift surgery is a procedure performed under general anaesthesia. The patient does not feel any pain or ache during the procedure. The duration of this surgery varies between 2.5 hours and 4 hours. In mid-face lift surgery, the duration of the operation may vary depending on the size of the procedure to be performed in the face area. Depending on the condition of the skin, a small amount of skin can be removed during Islam.

However, this procedure can be performed without removing the skin. If there is no severe sagging, removal is not performed. Since the incision is applied in the mid-facelift surgery, a very light scar remains on the skin. In this procedure, incisions are applied into the scalp with zig zag stitches. In this way, the scars are less prominent. The scars that remain on the scalp with hair and are very light are not very visible from the outside.

Recovery Period

It is extremely natural for mild oedema and bruises to occur on the skin after the mid-face lift procedure. Some patients may also experience mild swelling with oedema. Depending on the patient’s condition, oedema and swelling and very mild bruises disappear within a period of 2 weeks. In very rare cases, this period can extend up to 3 weeks. It usually takes a maximum of one month for the effects of surgical intervention to disappear completely. The patient who has the procedure can return to work and social life after 10 days.

Preoperative Considerations

As with any surgery, there are some points to be considered before mid-face lift surgery. As long as you pay attention to these points recommended by your physician, you will have an easy operation process. Aspirin and vitamin E-like drugs and herbal teas should be discontinued before mid-face lift surgery. Because these may increase the possibility of bleeding. Smokers should quit smoking 3 weeks before the mid-facelift surgery. Since the hair cannot be dyed for a month after facelift surgery, it can be dyed 1 week before the surgery. Long hair is beneficial in terms of hiding the dressings made after the surgery.

What to Pay Attention to After the Application

The drain placed behind the ear is removed 1 day after the middle facelift surgery. Applying ice to the face area after the surgery accelerates the healing process. The patient is discharged 2 days after surgery. A pair of sunglasses may be required for discharge. The patient can take a bath 2 days after the operation. It is normal to have numbness in the facial area for about a few weeks. Move lightly and gently when combing your hair or applying make-up. Avoid heavy exercises for the period recommended by your physician after the surgery. Activities such as sauna and hot steam baths should be avoided for a few months.