Mid Face Lift Surgery Recovery Process

Signs of aging in the human body especially manifest themselves on the face. In addition, although people are young, sagging may occur on their faces for different reasons. Sudden weight loss of overweight individuals is one of the first alternative reasons that come to mind in the formation of sagging. Mid-face lift surgery is one of the surgical operations that can be applied in this context. As it is known, in recent years, the rate of application of facelift methods without surgery, that is, without a knife, has increased. Although stretching can be performed with methods such as suspension, surgery is recommended for definite results. Moreover, the mid-face lift procedure is a surgical operation that is both more painless and provides recovery in a shorter period of time compared to general facelift.

How to Perform Mid Face Lift Surgery?

What is mid-face lift surgery How to do it is wondered by those who want to have such procedures. First of all, thanks to the anaesthesia methods applied before the procedure, patients are prevented from feeling any pain. So it is unnecessary to worry about this issue. How to perform mid-face lift surgery Experts make the necessary explanations. Serious incisions are not made in such operations. Generally, the process is started by making an incision from the lower eyelid of the eye. Experts may also prefer the inside of the mouth for incision according to the patients. The defective area, that is, the area to be stretched, is brought to the desired shape by intervening from the incision areas opened. In this way, it is also possible to shape the face.

Middle Facelift Surgery Recovery

Those who avoid facelift surgery are usually afraid of the healing process. Because in the past, the recovery of such procedures was described as both painful and prolonged. However, now middle facelift surgery recovery process is completed in a shorter time. First of all, a plaster application is performed after the procedure in order to control the swelling formation. Depending on the condition seen after the surgery, this application can continue for up to a week. It will be enough to wait for a week for the swelling to go away. Of course, it is also important to take the medicals recommended by the specialists during this process. Although it is possible to return to daily life in a short time, it is also important to stay away from excessive strenuous work.

Middle Facelift Surgery

Middle facelift surgery Those who have had a mid-face lift surgery can also determine the healing process themselves. Because some patients may have to go through more troublesome processes by not acting according to expert recommendations. On the other hand, those who avoid heavy sports in the first months and those who pay attention not to get tired can facilitate the healing process. Despite the return to normal life, it is recommended to wait an average of three months for the new shape of the face to settle. This period may vary from individual to individual. Because the type of operation and the health conditions of the people do not match each other. A young appearance is obtained after the healing is completely completed. Likewise, the tired appearance of the face is also eliminated with the procedure.