After Mini Tummy Tuck Surgery

It is an operation that is performed without intervention in the belly button in the complaint of excess skin in the abdominal area, especially after birth. Compared to classical tummy tuck, it is a satisfactory operation in which patients have a faster recovery process, return to work life and normal routine much more quickly. In mini tummy tuck, although the patients have lost weight or given birth, this rate is not very high, and the patient is currently people with excess skin rather than subcutaneous fat tissue. In this surgery, vaser lipolysis (ultrasonic liposuction) is used to intervene in the side of the abdomen and lower abdomen. It is performed with short incisions such as caesarean section.

The patient is hospitalised for 1 night after the operation.

It is recommended not to smoke 1 week before the operation and not to smoke for 2 weeks after the operation. Smoking causes delays in wound healing.

After the operation, a corset is worn for 3 weeks, depending on the patient’s healing process, the period may be prolonged.

Postoperative bruising or oedema are possible effects expected.

It is recommended to rest for about 1 week after the operation to avoid straining the stitches.

Heavy lifting should not be done for 4-6 weeks.

After the operation, you can take a shower 3 days after the operation.

After the operation, the controls should be examined by the physician in the first 1 week, then 3 weeks and 3 months periods.

After the operation, it is recommended to consume liquid-weighted and easy-to-digest foods, especially in the first three days.

After the operation, antibiotics are used for 7 days to prevent the risk of infection and painkillers are used if pain is felt.