What is Migraine?

Migraine is a neurological disease that affects the quality of life of the person and comes in attacks and lasts 2-3 days and in some cases even a week. It is seen in almost 22 per cent of women and 11 per cent of men in Turkey. Migraine literally means half headache and is a word of French origin.

What are the symptoms of migraine? How is the diagnosis made?

Migraine patients have a number of common complaints. These are being disturbed by light, nausea during pain, being sensitive to sound and being disturbed, having chronic headache in first degree relatives in the family, headaches that do not go away with painkillers and come in attacks. Menstruation period triggering headache in women is also one of the complaints seen. Not every severe headache is migraine. Headache due to tension can often be confused with migraine. This type of pain lasts 4-6 hours. Migraine should be diagnosed by neurology. The pain point of migraine is different and varies in each individual. Types of migraine: forehead migraine, temporal migraine, nape migraine, nasal migraine.

What are the things that migraine patients should pay attention to?

Attacks may occur if the blood sugar level of migraine patients decreases. 2-2.5 litres of water should be consumed daily.

An average of 20-30 minutes of walking should be done daily.

An average of 8 hours of sleep should be done.

Foods that trigger migraine should be paid attention to and avoided.

What are the foods that trigger migraine?

Foods such as cigarettes, alcohol, red wine, chocolate, old cheese, cocoa, drinks containing caffeine, birth control pills, canned food, pickles, excessively salty foods.

What are migraine-friendly foods?

Foods such as chamomile tea, celery apple, lemon balm tea, vegetable dishes, boiled eggs, kiwi.

What are migraine treatment methods?

Scientifically, it is thought that the patient who benefits from Botox relaxes because the facial muscles of the person cannot work actively. Migraine surgery is not a brain surgery. It is a closed surgery. It is performed under endoscopy. It is performed by opening small 1cm incisions and these incisions do not create scar. According to the trigger point, one cm incisions are made in the nape, forehead, temple, scalp. The operation varies between 40 minutes and 4 hours. The operation varies according to the trigger point. Edema and bruising may be seen after the operation. However, it is short-term and temporary. Postoperative recovery process is an easy surgery. The person’s quality of life increases and no longer uses medication due to migraine.