What is Breast Lift?

Breast lift is the process of restoring the breast to its normal state by surgical operations for sagging breasts, unbalanced breast asymmetries, sagging caused by excess weight. Generally, breast problems can be seen in women as well as in some men. In women, breastfeeding, lactation and weight gain after birth are major factors in changing the structure of the breast. After the patient stops breastfeeding, they prefer breast lift operation after they are uncomfortable with the deterioration of the aesthetic appearance such as shrinkage of the breast tissue and sagging. Operations do not affect the milk ducts. Patients can continue to give milk after surgery. Breast lift surgery is performed not only in patients who give birth, but also in sagging that occurs as a result of excessive weight gain and loss, and it is ensured that the patients’ former erectness is provided, reshaping and restoring a regular structure.

In breast sagging, it shows growth in the dark coloured area at the head of the breast, and the dark coloured area is narrowed by surgeries. Generally, with breast lift operations, the narrowing of the brown area in the breast is also eliminated in the same operation.

In addition, patients who want to perform breast lift operations must be at least 18 years old who have completed the development process. For some reasons, surgery can be performed earlier according to the degree of the patient’s problems. The postoperative recovery process takes place within 1 to 2 months. Depending on the condition of the patient, she can continue her daily life within 1 week.

Silicone prosthesis can be used in breast lift operations, as in breast augmentation operations. If there is a significant sagging on the patient, breast lift and breast augmentation operations are performed together if the patient wants her breasts to grow as well as correcting the sagging.

Breast lift prices may vary from hospital to hospital, as well as depending on the size of the breast sagging.

After Breast Lift

Breast lift, ie breast lift operation, is one of the most important issues that women pay attention to after deformation or softness. Due to its structure, aging and sagging occur over time in the tissues of the breasts consisting entirely of milk glands and sebaceous glands that do not contain muscle. The reasons for this are weight gain and loss, breastfeeding, birth, improper bra use and gravity, the breasts begin to lose their fresh and upright appearance as before. In terms of aesthetics, women’s clothes begin to have unpleasant images such as sagging or sagging in their inner parts.

What to Expect After Breast Lift Surgery?

Ice compress treatment is started to be applied immediately after the breast lift operation. Sports bras that athletes usually use are used. Apart from the thin tapes used on the stitches, no other dressing is applied. As in nose aesthetics, people are not constantly faced with dressing. After the end of the operation, the drains placed in the surgery are removed after an average of two days. After these drains are removed, it depends on the person in the same way, but after an average of one to two days, showering is started. The stitches in the breast are removed after an average of 15 days. It is strongly recommended that the sports bra should be worn continuously for about 1 month without a break, that is, it should be worn continuously.

This sports bra is used to reduce the patient’s perception of pain. The patient feels more secure in this bra. At first, the oedema decreases day by day in the oedematous breasts and the breasts begin to take shape. The breast takes its final shape on average within 8 to 10 weeks. Like our other aesthetic operations, for example Lip thickening, if patients go with expectations of a rapid recovery as much as in the operation, patients will be mistaken in this regard. Because breast aesthetics is not an application with a short recovery period as short as other operations.