If we make a sentence like “Forget all you know about liposuction, there is now Vaser Liposuction!”, we would not exaggerate too much. Vaser Liposuction, also known as Laser Liposelection, seems to destroy everything you know so far on fat removal operations. At the very beginning of the benefits of Vaser Liposuction, you will agree with us if we say that it provides less risk and much shorter recovery compared to the Liposuction you know. Vaser Liposuction, which eliminates the 5 kilos that you cannot lose, waist fat overflowing from the edges when you wear trousers, arm, leg, back, jowl, and even breast fat, which is the fearful dream of men, without any trace, is living its golden age in the days before the summer months.
Effective and Harmless… Vaser Liposuction benefits are not limited to these, of course. Compared to Vaser Liposuction, Liposuction, which has become an outdated method compared to Vaser Liposuction, which breaks down the fat under the skin and allows it to be pulled out by vacuum method, is known for the complications it creates after the operation… Vaser Liposuction now comes to the rescue of many people who cannot overcome the stubborn weight problem by trying different diet and fat removal methods due to scars, bruising, sagging and inevitable weight gain afterwards. While other ligaments and tissues are not damaged in the Vaser Liposuction method, which brings the subcutaneous fat to the consistency of olive oil by making a point shot to the subcutaneous fat, no fluctuation or damage to the skin occurs.
When you said Vaser Liposuction, you thought about it. You have either experienced or observed from your environment the back weight gained after liposuction surgeries. At this point, we seem to hear you say, “I had Vaser Liposuction, and then what? We have a great good news for you! When you do not pay attention to your diet after Vaser Liposuction, a very small part of the fat can be recovered, but the problematic area does not return to its former state so easily.
Vaser Liposuction, which has maintained its place in the 1st place in the ranking of the most preferred aesthetic surgeries in the world since the day it was discovered, challenges today’s slimming trends with its technology that offers risk-free, permanent solutions. While such methods, developed with the support of technology, pave the way for a healthier and more self-confident future, it is up to us to be a partner in the happiness of our patients who we weaken with the Vaser Liposuction method.