What is Lipomatic Fat Removal Method?

In order to have tight, taut and distinct body lines, various sports activities, exercises and diets are performed. However, regional resistant fats do not provide the desired result in this regard. For this reason, there are regional slimming methods developed in line with technological possibilities. Regional thinning methods take different names within themselves. Liposuction, one of the most heard and preferred methods, is liposuction. The most modern and newest form of this method developed today is the regional thinning technique known as lipomatic. Lipomatic technique is applied just like Liposuction. After the fat schools in the target area are broken down, they are vacuumed through thin cannulas. The most important feature of the lipomatic technique is that it causes less damage to the tissues during the application and the cannulas used are vibrating.

What is Lipomatic?

Infrasonic tickle liposuction, also known as lipomatic, is a method with the most advanced technology among liposuction methods. FDA approved lipomatic device offers many advantages to patients who come for regional thinning. During the operation, local anaesthesia is applied to the patient and fat removal is performed accordingly. Before starting the lipomatic application, the general condition of the patient is examined by specialist doctors and it is checked whether it is suitable for the application. During the application of the method, the device is sent to the mdf-lam area and the fat tissues are mobilised with this device. Infrasonic sound waves used during the procedure melt the resistant fats. Thus, the liquidised fats under the skin are drawn with the vacuuming device and the skin gets a tight appearance.

Who is Lipomatic Applied to?

Daily, the devices and products used in medical aesthetics reveal more beautiful results. The lipomatic device, which is one of the new generation devices developed especially in recent years, is one of the fat removal techniques. The lipomatic device, which turns the fat into liquid without damaging the tissues, is nowadays more preferred than other regional slimming methods.

This feature of the device has made the lipomatic technique appeal to a wider audience. Therefore, men and women over the age of 18 can apply for fat removal with lipomatic technique. People with sensitive skin can also benefit from the lipomatic technique in the best way.

Use Areas of Lipomatic Device

Diplomatic, one of the most recently developed fat removal techniques, is widely preferred today. The lipomatic device, which has achieved successful results in regional thinning, is gaining popularity day by day. Lipomatic, which provides the desired thinning without damaging the body and tissues, helps people feel better in terms of aesthetics. The lipomatic technique plays a major role in the body having distinct contours.

Therefore, the lipomatic device provides permanent and visible results on areas with resistant fat deposits such as hips, waist, abdomen. In addition, the device can be applied reliably on the arms and legs and chest area. Anyone who wants to have aesthetic curves can benefit from the advantages of lipomatic devices.

Can Men Apply Lipomatic Method?

Regional thinning is not a problem specific to women. In this regard, men as well as women have sought permanent solutions to regional resistant fat deposits. Therefore, men can achieve regional thinning by using the lipomatic technique. As the lipomatic technique provides regional thinning, men can also easily remove mammary gland tissues using this method.

Gaining a fit and healthy appearance is a major aesthetic concern for men today. This concern led men to fat removal methods. Regional resistant fats that cannot be melted by sports or diet provide visible results in a short time with the lipomatic device. Thanks to the vibrating cannulas, the operation is completed in a short time and excess fat tissues are broken down and liquefied. After the liquidised fats are removed from the body, patients recover in a short time and have a taut body.

What are the Advantages of the Lipomatic Method?

Diplomatic, which is an advanced fat removal technique, produces beautiful and aesthetic results. It is possible to have a healthy and fit body thanks to these accumulated methods. Excess fat tissues that disturb the person physically are broken down and removed from the body in a short time with the lipomatic technique. Therefore, the lipomatic technique has many advantages. The biggest advantages are as follows:

  • Since the lipomatic device is in vibration, it does not damage the tissues during the application, so the tissues heal in a short time.
  • After the pens used during the operation are removed from the body, the mobility is stopped. Thus, the patient’s risk of internal injury is also eliminated.
  • Because it is an advanced and modern technique, patients can return to their normal lives in a short time after lipomatic. They fulfil their daily life activities in their daily lives.
  • After the procedure is completed, a serious thinning is seen in the patient’s body within approximately 2-4 weeks.
  • Intrasonic vibrations used in the dissolution of resistant fats break down fat tissues more quickly and reliably.
  • The hospital stay of the patients after the application is short and the application is a more painless procedure compared to other techniques.
  • Risks such as redness, bruising and bleeding are less common after the application.

Can Lipomatics be applied anywhere in the body?

Since the Lipomatic device is FDA approved, it can be applied reliably in every part of the body. People who are uncomfortable with any part of their body may prefer regional thinning technique with lipomatic device to have an aesthetically prominent structure.

What Anaesthesia Technique is Used During Lipomatic?

Regional thinning is possible with lipomatic, one of the most popular applications of recent years. The lipomatic device, which is designed reliably on the day, helps to remove excess fat from the body without damaging the body and tissues. Vibrating thin calories make fat tissues liquid in a short time.

Lipomatik One of the most curious issues of patients who want to have lipomatic is whether local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia is used during the application. This situation is planned completely individually. In other words, local anaesthesia is used if the amount of fat to be removed from the body during the procedure is not high or if it will only be performed on a single area. If the patient’s fat tissue is high and the number of regions is also high, general anaesthesia is applied.

When Does the Lipomatic Method Give the Desired Result?

After the lipomatic technique, patients can return to their daily lives after a quality rest period. Visible results of the lipomatic technique are seen between 3 weeks and 4 weeks. The most accurate and most obvious results are realised within 2-3 months. The role of the patient in obtaining the desired result from the application is also great.

Because after the procedure, the patient should pay attention to the quality of life and nutrition. In this direction, plenty of water should be consumed during the day, exercises should be done and calorific products should be avoided. Because a sedentary lifestyle causes fat tissues to accumulate in the body again. After lipomatic, which offers a tight, taut and healthy body, attention is the most important stage.

Lipomatic Prices

Lipomatic, the most improved type of liposuction, is widely preferred today. It is demanded by both women and men after its success and permanent results in regional thinning. Lipomatic prices, which are realised in a single session, are updated every year, as well as updated again in 2021 and announced to patients. For this reason, people who will have lipomatic should learn the current diplomatic prices. Lipomatic prices are mostly planned individually. The body’s needs and the patient’s expectations differ from person to person. Lipomatic prices depend on the area where the procedure will be performed and the number of sessions.