What is Lipomatic and How Is It Performed?

One of the most common health problems today is overweight. If you want to get rid of regional fat accumulation caused by excess weight and complain about excess skin, we call the aesthetic intervention performed to solve this problem lipomatic procedure. The lipomatic procedure, which is considered as a simple operation that does not trigger health problems of people, is performed to get rid of fat accumulation by intervening in the fat layer. At the end of the increase in fat in undesirable situations in the human body, the lipomatic procedure is preferred in the first place when it comes to the stage of getting tired of going to dieticians. General examination of the patient is performed and fat areas are determined. After the analysed fat areas, the procedure is started with local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia.

How is Lipomatic Surgery Performed?

During the lipomatic procedure, the application is started by means of the Lipomatic device, which is a vibrating device, to the area where fat should be removed. The device starts to melt the fat in the analysed area thanks to low frequency sound waves that the human ear cannot hear. The fact that the device is very sensitive and has vibration waves does not harm the body structure. The body reaches a tighter structure in the process that ends with the removal of the fat under the skin with vacuum.

It is possible to remove up to 3-4 kilos of fat during the application. During the lipomatic procedure, a high-frequency process is applied and circular movements are applied back and forth to the area where the fat will be broken down, aiming to dissolve the fat quickly. When performing lipomatic operations, only the fatty tissue of the body is treated. For this reason, it does not harm a body structure that will neglect your daily life and is considered a healthy application.

Getting Away from Aesthetic Anxiety with Lipomatic Procedure

In these days when aesthetic anxiety is at the forefront, this procedure can be applied to get rid of such concerns. As a result of the procedure, body sagging after fat removal, which can also cause an aesthetic anxiety problem, also has a negative effect on the psychology of the person. Such problems are corrected with the help of various operations and provide a healthier body appearance. Lipomatic is the name of the device used during these applications. With the help of vibrating tubes, fats are separated thanks to this device that penetrates under the skin and reaches the fatty area. After the separation, the vacuuming process is performed and the broken fat pieces are pulled from the body. Patients are discharged after the surgery, which ends in a short time.

In Which Areas Is Lipomatic Performed?

There are reasons for you to have surgery. In line with these reasons, if the doctor approves this procedure, the operation is performed. The pre-operative examination is done carefully. The surgeries, which result in painless and high success, have attracted a lot of attention especially in recent years.

Lipomatic liposuction operation is applied to the areas where fat accumulated in the body by methods such as diet and sports. Lipomatic procedure; It can also be applied to areas such as above the waist, under the chin, back, under the legs, inside the knee and upper arms. During the procedure, there is no problem that can be caused by the device in any part of the body.

What should be considered before the operation?

It is absolutely necessary to be examined before the operation to make sure that you are allergic to any medication. Smoking and alcohol consumption should be avoided for about a month before the operation. You should not eat salty foods and you should stop eating salty foods 2 weeks before the operation. It is necessary not to use various medicines and vitamins or to consult a doctor.

Lipomatic liposuction method also has a fast recovery time. With the lipomatic procedure, a natural smoothing situation occurs by correcting the appearance of cellulite. During the procedure, local anaesthesia is applied to the areas and the vibrating cannulas dissolve the fat cells and the process is terminated by vacuuming the liquid with the help of holes at the end of the cannulas. With the vacuum process, the fat is deposited in a plate. After the end of the fat process in the marked areas, the patient is sent to the room for rest. After resting for a while, the body begins to gradually recover itself and the healing process begins.

Life After Lipomatic

After the lipomatic application, you can rest for a few hours and then you can be discharged by passing the doctor’s control. It is important to use a corset in the lipomatic procedure as well as using a corset for a month in the liposuction procedure. Slight temporary oedema may occur after the procedure. Bruising and sagging are less common than other procedures.

For those who work, you can return to work about two weeks after the operation and continue your business life. It is important to wait for a while after the removal of the fat procedure to see the desired results precisely. Mild swelling and oedema after the operation may cause patients to be prejudiced and cause fear of surgery.

What Does the Lipomatic Device Do?

Lipomatic device penetrates the skin thanks to its vibrations. Except for the detected areas, when the device hits a part of the body, the process stops and does not harm the body. For this reason, it does not cause damage and wound formation on the person’s body. A healthy procedure is carried out away from bruising and wounds.

Thanks to this device, which is processed differently from other methods, successful results are obtained in fat melting process. The desired performance is achieved by pulling the necessary fat tissue and does not damage the vessels and skin. Daily life and medications should be shared with the doctor before the operation and what to pay attention to should be applied correctly.

Importance of the Doctor’s Control Required During the Operation

In such cases, you can decide on the operation after the necessary examination by agreeing with your doctor by not going back from your decision. After the final decision is made, patients should stay in constant contact with their doctor and give every information to the doctor. After deciding on surgery, your doctor controls every stage and does not cause you to experience victimisation. You can communicate with your doctor to relieve your concerns by explaining that it is not a procedure to be feared.

You should always give your doctor accurate information and follow what your doctor says. It will be in your best interest to follow your doctor’s instructions to facilitate the operation process.

After Lipomatic Procedure

Lipomatic After the procedure, patients recover in a short time and are discharged. After this painless period, people should pay attention to their diet. As a result of corset use and proper nutrition, a successful result is achieved by meeting expectations. The fats to be removed in the treatment are determined in advance and the process is applied region by region. Depending on the age and skin of the patient, there may be changes in the healing process.

Each patient undergoes a unique healing process and continues his life under the control of a doctor. No problem is encountered in daily life. Although the body structure, which will recover over time, reduces the expectations of the person, it is important to be patient. It is important to follow the doctor’s instructions and stay under supervision. After fat removal, you can maintain your body structure with the help of regular nutrition and exercises.