How Much Is Lipomatic?

Lipomatic is one of the newly developed lliposuction, ie fat removal methods. This method, which has been in great demand recently, is much more painless and comfortable than other methods. The lipomatic procedure, which you can leave the hospital on the same day, is a method that takes a shorter time. Accordingly, the cannulas placed to remove excess fat in your body are placed by opening much thinner holes. The area where the operation will be applied is entered through such small holes that the patient feels much more comfortable than other liposuction methods.

Lipomatic is one of the newly developed lliposuction methods. This method, which has been in great demand recently, is much more painless and comfortable than other methods. The lipomatic procedure, which you can leave the hospital on the same day, is a method that takes a shorter time.

Accordingly, the cannulas placed to remove excess fat in your body are placed by opening much thinner holes. The area where the operation will be applied is entered through such small holes that the patient feels much more comfortable than other liposuction methods.

Where Can Lipomatics Be Applied?

As it is known, liposuction is a method that women with regional adiposity apply to a great extent. Especially fat is removed from areas such as abdomen, sometimes and upper legs. Lipomatic method is a procedure that a plastic surgeon should perform in the operating theatre environment. Women who want to try this method can have lipomatics everywhere except the chest and face area.

However, the situation is different for men in the chest area. Their chest area has a different structure than that of women. Gynecomastia, that is, men who have breast enlargement problems and want to undergo surgery can benefit from lipomatics.

How Much Fat Is Removed In One Session?

About 12 litres of fat can be removed from any person in a single session. This amount may vary for everyone and it is your plastic surgeon who will make the best decision on this issue. It should be known that with the lipomatic method, a large amount of network can be removed from a person at a single time.

This procedure also has a firming effect. If there is no problem in the area where fat will be removed, the patient can get the desired result immediately thanks to lipomatic. Depending on the duration of the operation, patients who wish can also have the fat injected into a different part of their body.

Can Lipomatics be applied together with other procedures?

Lipotamik can be performed together with different aesthetic applications. Nose aesthetics, tummy tuck surgery, llipomatics can be performed together with surgical applications related to breasts. You can return to your normal life on the same day after the procedure.

But this period may vary depending on how much fat is removed in general. A patient with a large amount of fat removed can return to work within a week at the latest. If you want the operation to be effective and your body to adopt the new state quickly, you should wear a corset for a month after the operation.

What to Pay Attention to After Lipotomy

There are some points that people who have lipomatics should pay attention to, even if they return to work after a short time. You may need to wait a month after lipomatic to start sports, enter the sea and pool, and enter the sauna. If it is to be done to get rid of postpartum weight, it is recommended to wait a year. However, it is better not to have it done while breastfeeding.

Because the patient may need to take antibiotics for a while after lipomatics. Since antibiotics pass into breast milk, lipomatics is not recommended for people who are breastfeeding. At the same time, if the person who wants to get pregnant again, it is necessary to pass at least six months.

How Many Sessions Is Lipomatic?

Lipomatic is an application that gives results in a very short time. It is enough to have only one session. It does not need to be done in several sessions. Therefore, the application and recovery time is considerably shortened accordingly. The issue that determines the application time is how much fat will be removed from the patient.

Anesthesia Before Lipomatics

Lipomatics is an operation that aesthetic and plastic surgeons should apply. The surgeon decides on the type of anaesthesia depending on the physical characteristics of the patient and how much excess fat is present. If it is a short operation, local anaesthesia is sufficient. However, local anaesthesia is not preferred for a long operation because its effect will be short.

Because in a long-term liposuction, there is no risk of respiratory and cardiac problems and general anaesthesia is applied. In a short lipomatic procedure, the patient leaves the hospital on the same day, but if the operation has lasted long and a large amount of fat has been removed from the patient, it is appropriate to be discharged after a day.

Does Pain Feel During Lipomatic?

No pain is felt during lipomatic. But patients usually feel some pain after the operation. These pains are at a level that can be healed with painkillers and do not bother much.

In general, oedema occurs after all liposuction procedures. But lipomatic is one of the methods with the least edema.

Cost of Lipomatic Procedure

Lipomatic, which is a plastic surgery operation, is one of the effective methods in a short time. But it is very difficult to make a clear determination about the price. Because the price may vary depending on how much fat will be taken from the patient. It is possible to get prices over the internet for patients who want to get a price on this subject and who will come from out of town or abroad.

In such a case, it may be necessary to allocate at least a week for this procedure. Since it is an increasingly widespread application, prices are gradually decreasing. However, the expertise and guarantee of the place to be chosen for the procedure should be ensured. The patient should definitely have this application done in a reliable and certified clinic or health centre where plastic surgeons enter the operation.

What to Do Before Lipomatic?

Before having lipomatic, your doctor will have a preliminary interview with you. It is decided how much fat will be removed in line with your wishes and his recommendations. Then a planning is made for the operation and information is given about its duration.

The patient is asked to stay away from blood thinners, smoking and alcohol for a while before the procedure. Such situations may cause an increase in oedema and other problems that will occur in the operation and prolong the recovery period.

Is Lipomatic Effective?

Lipomatic is definitely an effective procedure. In a single session, the patient can get rid of all the fat. However, if this effect is desired to last for a long time, the patient should organise himself and his lifestyle. One month or two months after the operation, the patient can start doing sports.

The healthier the patient eats and does sports, the longer he can maintain his fit body. Thus, the effect of lipomatics can also become permanent.

Lipomatics and Regional Fats

Those with regional adiposity problems cannot get rid of this problem immediately and some adiposity remains constant in our body. In some cases, the problem of adiposity and obesity may have increased. It is recommended to have lipomatics in such problems.

Because the effect is seen in a short time, this procedure allows the patient to come to himself in a short time and relax psychologically. Sometimes this may be the only method to get rid of such fat. Therefore, lipomatics is recommended for everyone who complains of excess fat and regional fat.