Lipomatic Prices 2021

Lipomatic; It has attracted attention with being the most trendy and favourite application of recent years. It is a fat removal procedure that is frequently applied. This procedure is performed with FDA approved lipomatic device. Liposuction is performed by vibrating cannulas. Unlike liposuction, it can be applied not in a single area but more than one on the same day. This procedure, which is applied to regional thinning, especially belly, arms and hips, is performed under local anaesthesia. However, general anaesthesia can also be performed according to the area and size determined by the doctor. It is applied by plastic surgeons in the operating theatre environment. In addition to achieving a fit appearance, it also brings a more comfortable and comfortable healing process. Patients have the opportunity to recover in a short period of two weeks.

What are the Advantages of Lipomatic Application?

Lipomatic application has many advantages for people. If we list;

  • It is a more painless and effective method compared to other procedures.
  • It provides collagen balance in the body. In this way, the wrinkle appearance is reduced.
  • After this procedure, less bruising and oedema occurs in the body.
  • Regional swelling is not seen.
  • Returning to daily life in a short time after the application is the reason why it is highly preferred.
  • Providing a more aesthetically positive appearance eliminates the concerns of patients.

Lipomatic prices are determined according to what?

This application, which is extremely comfortable and comfortable, is frequently preferred by patients recently. Lipomatic price varies according to the location, doctor and the size of the procedure. This method, which offers regional thinning such as waist, arm, hip, how many sessions will be performed together with the size of the procedure, the methods of local or general anaesthesia create price differences. Before the lipomatic method is applied, the patient’s general examination and values are measured. The differentiation of these variables is important in determining the price. Prices vary from person to person in this procedure. After this operation, the price of patients returning to their daily lives during the day increases compared to other procedures.

How Much is Lipomatic Price?

Lipomatic operation cannot be performed by every person as they wish. It must be within the framework of people with certain conditions and standards. However, in order to learn this, it must be determined by a physician. It will not be correct to determine the price without being examined. When the application and area to be performed by the physician is decided, the place that performs the procedure has a great influence on the prices.

For a correct price in the lipomatic procedure, first of all, a correct doctor and a reliable clinic must be found. After the necessary examinations are carried out, you will be given the most accurate fee information.

Lipomatic Applications is a surgical procedure, so you need to get detailed price information from your clinic and your doctor during the examination. After this process, the procedure to be applied is decided. Do not forget that since it is a type of surgery, this procedure should be performed by specialists, and do not take such medical applications from people other than physicians.

Recovery Process After Lipomatic

Many people are afraid of undergoing a surgical operation. One of the reasons for this fear is the healing process after surgical operation. The recovery process after the lipomatic procedure is not a very difficult period for patients. The recovery process after surgery is as follows.

  • Edema and bruises may occur in your body within the first week after the operation is performed.
  • It is recommended to wear a lipomatic corset in order to pass the bruises and edema. This special corset will also help the body to tighten much faster.
  • Almost 2 weeks after the procedure, you can return to daily life and start working. This process may vary from person to person.
  • No special treatment is applied for bruises after the procedure. The corset used after the procedure will help and these bruises will heal over time.