Why is Lipomatic Surgery Preferred?

As you know, our body consists of muscles, bones and fats. The better the balance between muscles and fats is established, the more aesthetically beautiful it is possible to have an appearance. We strive to reduce our fat ratio as much as we can. However, it should not be forgotten that the body also needs fat. Especially when the fat ratio drops below a certain level, very serious problems may arise for the body. Although fats meet certain needs of the body, an aesthetically unpleasant appearance appears in excess fat. This situation directs us to options such as lipomatic surgery. It is possible to choose natural ways to get rid of the fat in our body. However, it is not easy to get rid of fat using natural ways. Especially if the fat rate in our body is high, it can be extremely difficult to achieve an ideal body. With the lipomatic surgery to be applied, it will be possible to get rid of the fat in our body. During the operation, our body fat is broken down with a special device. After being broken down, the fats will be removed from the body by vacuuming. It is also necessary to say that the lipomatic process has many extra benefits to our body.

Homogeneous and Successful Fat Removal

We may encounter many different problems in the removal of excess fat in the body. The first of these problems is the difficulties in getting rid of fat homogeneously. Even people who plan to lose weight with sports and diet, while getting rid of fat in some areas quickly, they mention that they cannot melt the fat around the belly. This means an inhomogeneous image.

With the realised lipomatic surgery , a completely homogeneous image will appear as the fats can be broken down at every point of the body. The breakdown of fat eliminates the fat in one part of the body, but does not leave the fat in other parts of the body. Legs, arms, waist and hips will be completely compatible with each other and will have a homogeneous structure.

Sagging and Wrinkle Problems Do Not Occur

One of the biggest concerns of people who prefer lipomatic surgery to get rid of their fat is sagging or wrinkles. Women may face sagging and wrinkles because they lose weight suddenly during pregnancy. It is quite normal to be concerned about the removal of fat from the body at once, as it can have a similar effect.

One of the biggest advantages of lipomatic surgery compared to other fat removal surgeries is that it does not allow any wrinkles or sagging. Thanks to the procedures performed, the fats are regularly removed from the body and sagging is prevented. Although patients see slight sagging after undergoing lipomatic surgery , these sags disappear within a few days.

Different Structures of the Body Are Not Damaged

Since there are not only fats in our body, different tissues may be damaged during fat removal surgeries. Blood vessels, muscles, skin or blood cells in our body are damaged in the operations performed. However, it is possible to directly target fats during lipomatic surgery . For this reason, any other part is not damaged.

After the operations performed, there is no permanent damage to any part of the body. While the developed device shows its skills completely on fats, it breaks them down and removes these fats from the body without damaging other tissues. Since it does not pull all of the fat, there will be no damage to the structure in these areas.

Bleeding or Bruising Problems are History

Complaints of bruising or bleeding after surgeries performed in the past years were extremely common. Although it is not possible to completely avoid this in major surgeries, it is now possible to avoid these problems in relatively simple surgeries such as lipomatic surgery .

If you choose completely professional places for surgery, bruising or bleeding problems will not occur at any point in your body after the operation. The more successful the operation is, the lower the bruising and bleeding problems may be. Mild bruising or bleeding can be considered natural, but some patients never see these symptoms.

Resume Your Daily Life Immediately

People who go to hospitals and have their surgeries have difficulty returning to their daily lives. Since there are extremely abnormal activities in the body during the operation, it is natural for the body to react in this way. However, lipomatic surgery is not one of the surgeries where these problems occur.

After the operation is performed, it is possible for patients to be discharged on the same day. Patients do not have to stay in hospitals. This situation allows them to return to their normal lives as soon as possible. In addition, since there is no hospitalisation, the fees to be paid are at more affordable levels.

Success Rate Without Anxiety

Lipomatic surgeries are becoming more and more preferred every day. One of the reasons for this is the high success rate. Before undergoing surgery, everyone wonders about the success rates of the surgeries. In some major surgeries, this rate can go down to 1%. Seeing these low rates makes people unhappy in every period and causes them to worry seriously.

There is no reason to worry about the very high success rates of lipomatic surgeries. People who have lipomatic surgery in places called under the stairs may encounter various problems. This situation decreases the success rate of the surgery from 100%. However, despite this, the rate is always above 90%. There is nothing to worry about for people who will have this surgery, especially in professional and advanced health centres.