All Questions You Wonder About Lipomatic Surgery

There are many ways we can apply to get rid of our excess weight. We can all be happy to see lower numbers when we step on the scales. In fact, the numbers we see on the scales are insufficient to express exactly how accurate our body is. People of the same height and weight can have very different images from each other. The reason for this is the muscle and fat ratios in their bodies. If the weight lost is given from muscles as well as fat, our body does not become better. Maximum loss of fat is required. The process called lipomatic comes into play at this stage. If people with high levels of fat in their bodies want to get rid of these fats by surgical intervention, lipomatic surgery will be the best option. Since the history of lipomatic surgery is not very old, there are many questions that people want to ask about this surgery. When you carefully read the answers to the questions, you will have received a great deal of the necessary information about lipomatic surgery, which is one of the greatest opportunities of the new era.

What is Lipomatic Surgery?

The first question that people who want to get rid of their excess weight in the easiest way lipomatic surgery is the question. If we need to explain this surgery in a simple way, it is the surgeries in which the fats are first broken down and then vacuumed.

With lipomatic surgery, the areas of the body that do not have a proper appearance due to excess fat are intervened. With the interventions performed, the fats in this area are broken down. The broken down fats will be directly vacuumed and removed from the body. Thus, it becomes possible to get rid of regional fats directly.

What are the Differences of Lipomatic and Liposuction Operations?

People talk about lipomatic procedures for the first time. However, liposuction operations are known by many people. When it comes to fat removal, liposuction immediately comes to mind. Since it has been on the agenda for many years, people now have information.

The commonality of liposuction and lipomatic operations is their name roots. Both start with the word “lipo”, which means fat in Latin. Another common aspect is that they reduce the fat rate in excessive fat areas.

In liposuction procedures, the fat in the body is not removed directly from the body. It is distributed to different parts of the body and in this way, regional problems are solved. However, in the lipomatic surgery process, the fats will be taken directly out of the body.

How the Process After Lipomatic Surgery Proceeds?

People who are considering lipomatic surgery are seriously curious about the recovery process. While the return to normal life after the operations is extremely important, the scars that the surgery will leave on the body are also taken into consideration.

One of the reasons why the lipomatic procedure has become very popular in a short time is that it is discharged on the same day. Patients rest for a while after the operation and then go home. There will be no situation that will prevent them from working the next day. Problems such as any scars or bruises on the body do not appear in these operations.

What are the Risks and Damages of Lipomatic Surgery?

As everyone knows, there is a risk regardless of the surgery to be performed. It is also possible to talk about this risk when patients >lipomatic surgery . The risks are tried to be reduced to zero with the tests to be performed before the operation is started. If this operation takes place in a professional physician and health centre, the risk is almost negligible.

When it is desired to talk about the damages of the operation to the body, we do not encounter any factors. Negative conditions such as bruising, redness or swelling do not occur in patients. In addition, sagging does not occur in the body of the patients. All these factors show that the operation is harmless.

What is the Price of Lipomatic Surgery?

It is almost impossible to give a price for the operations that will take place in private hospitals. The conditions offered by the hospitals, the success rate and experience of the physicians cause serious changes in the prices to be requested.

The fees that patients have to pay depend on another factor for lipomatic surgery . The more fat the device will break, the higher the price may be. The fat ratio in the body will also be effective on the price of the operation.

How Is Lipomatic Surgery Performed?

When determining the difficulty levels of the operations, the percentage of success and the time for patients to return to their daily lives after surgery are considered. Considering these factors, it is necessary to say that lipomatic surgery is an extremely simple surgery.

The realisation process of the surgery is also extremely simple. First of all, patients should go to a fully thanked health centre. Like all other procedures in places to be called under the stairs, lipomatic surgery also poses a risk.

Physicians decide whether the operation will be performed or not. If it is judged that the fats in the body seriously harm the person, then the operations are approved to be performed. If there is no fat accumulation at a level that requires this operation, physicians have the authority not to perform the operation.

General anaesthesia or local anaesthesia may be preferred in operations. The decision will be a joint decision of the patient and the physician. After anaesthesia, the device called lipomatic begins to intervene in the fatty areas of the body. Thanks to the device, the fats are successfully broken down. However, not all fat is broken down here. Disintegration will be done at the determined rates.

After the disintegration process, the disintegrated fats are pulled by vacuum. Thus, it will be possible to get rid of fat directly. After the completion of the operation, patients will be allowed to rest and return to their daily lives in a short time.