What is Lipoedema? What are the Symptoms?

What is Lipoedema? is one of the most curious questions. It means excessive fat and thickening in the buttocks, legs and hips. This condition, also called excessive fat syndrome, is experienced as a result of thickening of the fat under the skin. Unfortunately, fat thickening in lipoedema can extend to the ankle. This condition also causes serious pain in the patient. Lipoedema is a condition mostly seen in women. This condition, which is first seen during adolescence, progresses more and more with age. Lipoedema is also seen with chronic diseases and hormone disorders. It is known that one of the causes of this disease is familial predisposition. It is also not possible to treat the disease with medication. Therefore, those who want to get rid of the discomfort should have Lipoedema surgery in our clinic.

What is Lipoedema?

What is Lipoedema? is one of the most curious questions. It means excessive fat and thickening in the buttocks, legs and hips. This condition, also called excessive fat syndrome, is experienced as a result of thickening of the fat under the skin. Unfortunately, fat thickening in lipoedema can extend to the ankle. This condition also causes serious pain in the patient. Lipoedema is a condition mostly seen in women. This condition, which is first seen during adolescence, progresses more and more with age. Lipoedema is also seen with chronic diseases and hormone disorders. It is known that one of the causes of this disease is familial predisposition. It is also not possible to treat the disease with medication. Therefore, those who want to get rid of the discomfort should have Lipoedema surgery in our clinic.

Symptoms of Lipoedema in General

Lipoedema disease is a fat accumulation disease related to the nervous, lymph and vascular system with a genetic background. It is not understood exactly what the effective cause of lipoedema disease is. Since it is generally seen in women, it is investigated whether there is a familial predisposition. It is emphasised that the cause of the disease in other women in the family is negligence related to estrogen (female hormone). Sometimes it is thought to be seen as a result of another disease of the patient. The general symptoms of lipoedema cases are;

  • In the beginning, fat accumulations concentrated between the waist and ankle are seen. This situation increases more with the weight gain of the person.
  • A disproportion between the trunk and the leg is seen even in the early stages of this condition.
  • Patients with this condition have swelling and pain in the legs towards evening. However, when you go to bed at night, this pain and swelling decrease when you wake up in the morning.
  • In the early periods, fat accumulations are in the form of small glands, while in the later period, these fat accumulations turn into fat masses hanging from the body.
  • In cases of lipoedema, pain in the breasts is experienced during menstrual periods.
  • In case of trauma, bruising occurs in the body.
  • Because of the intense fat accumulation in patients, blood circulation between the fat layers decreases. This reduces the rate of fat breakdown and causes the disease to progress.

Lipoedema surgery is performed as a result of the above conditions and after a physical examination.

Early and Advanced Stages in Lipoedema

The answer to the question of what lipoedema is, lipoedema is a disease that starts in adolescence and progresses with age. Therefore, it is possible to analyse this condition in four stages.

  1. Stage: There is an increase in the fat tissue of the skin. There is also enlargement of the hypodermis. In this period, pearl-like fat lobules and the skin surface is flat.
  2. Stage: Subcutaneous fat tissue has a nodular or mass-like appearance. In addition, the skin surface has a rough structure at this stage.
  3. Stage: At this stage, large nodules, fat deposits and fat lobules that cause deformity in the legs and around the knee are seen.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Lipoedema

The diagnosis of lipoedema is usually made after listening to the patient’s complaints, history and physical examination. In the treatment of lipoedema, treatment with medication is not possible. Because the cause of the disease is not completely known. Therefore, the disease can be treated with Lipoedema Surgery. With this surgery, liposuction will be performed on the patient. With liposuction surgery, the fat tissue under the skin is removed from the body by vacuuming with 2-5 mm thick metal tubes with perforated ends. In this way, the patient will regain his/her physical strength and will have the aesthetically desired appearance. Most importantly, pain and sensitivity complaints will be eliminated. Liposuction surgery has many different applications. For this reason, which type of intervention will be performed will be determined according to the patient’s history and the opinions of the specialist doctor.

Points to be Considered by Patients After Lipoedema Surgery

Lipoedema surgery after the surgery, patients should continue to follow the diet programme given by the doctor in order not to encounter the same problem again. Because foods containing high calories can cause weight gain and deformity of the legs again. Regular sports, normal diet and compression garments should be used for 8-12 weeks. Manual massage at home and 8-10 sessions of lymph drainage treatment should be taken if possible.