Laser Lipolysis

To look better, to get rid of regional fat is a very popular concept today. Liposuction, which we call liposuction, is one of the most common applications worldwide. Liposuction has been tried to be applied with different variations over time. Some of these are Liposuction, Laser Liposuction, Laser Lipolysis, Vasel Liposuction. All of them are similar terms but have differences in terms of application.

As you know, classical liposuction is the process of removing fat from your body with the help of vacuum. In this application, your body is punctured at certain points and vacuuming is performed. In Laser Lipolysis, instead of vacuuming, burning and shredding is performed with laser beams. Especially if you do not have very deep and important fat problems. If you have more superficial problems, thanks to laser lipolysis, cell membranes with low and medium level disorders are broken down with the help of laser. The broken cells are removed from the body with the help of lymphatic circulation. In this method, the skin is tightened with the help of laser and the healing and body shaping process is accelerated. The most common areas where these methods are used are hips, abdomen and waist areas. In addition, it can also be applied to fat cells in areas such as arms, inner legs, under the chin.

How are laser lipolysis prices determined?
There are basically two stages that determine the price in laser lipolysis prices. One of them is the experience and experience of the specialist who will perform the application. The fact that the person who will perform the application has repeated this job successfully many times before may cause a higher price than other specialists. Another price determining factor is the area covered by the application area. As the area to be applied expands and the mass size of the fat layer to be burned increases, laser lipolysis prices also increase. In order to be given the most suitable price offer, you must be re-checked according to the area to be applied in line with the analyses of the experts.
If you want your skin to look more vibrant and firmer, you can get help from experts to determine the method suitable for you and you can have more detailed information on the subject. The type of your skin, your level of adiposity, your body flexibility, etc. After the factors are examined in detail, you can achieve a firmer and more vibrant body with laser lipolysis in a short time,