How is Wrinkle Treatment Applied?

Wrinkles in the face area increase over the years. If there is a wrinkle indicator other than the mimic lines that are congenital on the face, it means that gradual change has begun. Muscles that have contracted against every situation over the years have damaged collagen tissue and mimic lines have been replaced by wrinkles. Wrinkles are a fact that occurs due to the biological structure of man, but many methods have been developed to prevent this situation. You can have a smoother face by alleviating existing wrinkles. With the developing technology, many methods and devices have been produced to erase deep wrinkles in the face area.

How to Apply Wrinkle Treatment? The range of answers to the question is quite wide. One of the most effective ways among the methods used is anti-aging. This method, which is applied at any age, supports the treatments used in elastin and collagen production. In the wrinkle treatment process to be performed;

  • First of all, the patient is asked what kind of procedure is desired.
  • Then the patient’s face is examined and it is determined in which area the wrinkles are intense.
  • After this determination, the treatment method suitable for the patient’s skin structure is determined and the process is started.
  • Wrinkle operation is completed with this procedure performed without bleeding or pain. Your skin looks healthier and fresher than before.

Wrinkle Treatment Methods

With the technology developing day by day, certain systems have been produced for wrinkles in the face area. With Wrinkle treatment methods, this system, which goes down to the deep layers of the skin, has a great effect on the repair of wrinkles by improving skin quality. You can have a more natural and fresh skin with these systems that show great effect on certain parts of the face area.

It is possible to prevent wrinkles caused by your facial movements with botox application. Botox, which is at the very beginning of wrinkle treatment, is applied to certain parts of the face area. You can have a smoother skin with this procedure performed without damaging the skin. The duration is approximately 10 minutes and has an average effect of 4 to 6 months on the face. The procedure takes a few days and the most effective result is seen after 7-10 days.

It is possible to prevent wrinkles that may occur at an early age with filler injection. You can have a very natural skin with this injection based on hyaluronic acid. With this method, water molecules are attracted and fill the wrinkles. As a result of the procedure, you can notice the change without having to wait. Since there are no side effects that may occur, you can return to your daily life immediately. Filling injection is a method applied for wrinkles around the mouth. Your specialist doctor can support the treatment with botox injection to get a better result.

Scarlet S, which is among the wrinkle treatment methods, is a method applied to your skin with agni-aging with certain frequencies through micro-needles. It triggers collagen and elastin production without damaging the skin. It is possible to get positive results thanks to the energy given to the treated area. The treatment is applied in 3 or 4 sessions at 3-week intervals. You can return to your normal life immediately after this procedure.