How is Prominent Ear Surgery Performed?

You must be over the age of 18 for prominent ear surgery. The auricle is one of the fast developing organs. Ear development is completed from a young age. For this, it is actually possible that the age of 18 is late. Mental disorders can also be seen in children with auricles. For this reason, it will be useful to perform this surgery in an early process. If this surgery needs to be performed in children, it is appropriate to apply general anaesthesia method. However, this procedure changes for 15 years and older and local anaesthesia is applied. The main purpose of the surgery is not to damage the shape of the ear. A small incision is made behind the ear. After the operation, stitches are applied to maintain the shape of the ear, but these stitches are important and should be done with care. Apart from this method, there is a definite method of prominent ear operation with thread. This method is a good method for those who want to get a definite result. The operation is also a type of surgery performed by shaping the cartilage. It does not leave any scars on the ear. It has been observed that psychological improvements occur after the operation. So what should be considered after the operation.

What to Consider After Scoop Ear Surgery

After the operation, the patient should use a high pillow and lie on his back. If you are doing sports that should not carry heavy loads, light sports should be preferred and care should be taken to pay attention to these issues. After the operation, the bandages in your ear will be gradually removed and your stitches will begin to throw themselves. If you want to see the result of the surgery clearly, you need to wait 1 -1,5 months. You can be sure that you will get the exact result. Swelling or redness can be seen in your ears for a while. Although it is not compulsory, it is recommended to use sports tape for 2-3 weeks. If we take another recommendation, it will be beneficial for you if sunscreen is used in this surgery performed in the summer months. If these recommendations are taken into consideration, your recovery will take a faster process. If general anaesthesia is not used in the operation, you can be discharged on the same day. Situations may differ in surgery performed with general anaesthesia. It may be appropriate to wait in the hospital for a day or two. Another issue that patients are curious about is that this surgery may cause hearing loss. It is not possible to experience such a situation. After these methods, you can regain your natural appearance and continue your healthy life.

Can you take a bath after the operation?

A bandage should be used for a while after the bucket ear surgery. After the bandage is removed, you should not take a shower for a while to prevent damage to the stitches. Shower can be taken after the stitches are removed. Care should be taken not to use very hot or very cold water while taking a shower. After the surgery, care should be taken not to lie on the treated areas.

Can the Ear Return to Its Former State After Surgery?

After the prominent ear surgery, the ear does not return to its former state. completely safe and highly preferred prominent ear surgery is preferred by many people.