What is Gynaecomastia? How is the surgery performed?

Gynecomastia is the name given to the disease consisting of uncontrolled breast growth in men. The aesthetic surgery operation performed to eliminate this condition is called Gynaecomastia surgery. With this operation, the breast growth problem in men is solved and the breast is reduced to the required size. This procedure is performed painlessly and quickly without incision. This lubrication, which is specific to women and does not fit the male anatomy, can cause problems in men’s bilateral relationships and lack of self-confidence in social life. This condition can be seen not only in fat men, but also in thin men.

Causes of Breast Enlargement in Men

Breast enlargement in men, is one of the biggest problems of our age, and the most important reason for such growth of breast tissue is the additives used uncontrollably in the food sector. It is a condition caused by GMO foods, additives in food products and hormonal changes accordingly. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle that does not do sports is also a triggering effect on breast growth in men. Another reason is herbal and chemical medicines consumed compulsorily due to various diseases in the health sector. Alcohol, drug and cigarette use, aging, tumours and cysts, improper functioning of the thyroid glands, kidney and liver diseases can disrupt hormonal balance. This is one of the causes of breast enlargement in men.

Gynecomastia is usually seen in individuals over the age of 60 or in young individuals during adolescence. There is also a high risk of occurrence in people with some chronic diseases.

Ways to Prevent Breast Growth in Men

If there is an extraordinary growth in breast tissue, it is likely that exercise and dietary practices will not be enough to eliminate this excess accumulated fat layer. Because the fat stored in the area is usually stubborn and fixed. However, in order to eliminate this situation, it helps to maintain hormonal balance by paying attention to the diet and exercise calendar and not interrupting it.

Because breast enlargement in men can affect men emotionally and psychologically in an extremely negative way, Gynecomastia surgery can be considered to get rid of it.

How is Gynecomastia Operation Performed?

The factors to be considered before the operation are certain. The doctor should examine the tissue of the breast with a physical examination; It should be determined whether the patient really needs an operation; Necessary tests should be performed and the size should be determined; Since the operation is performed with general anaesthesia, care should be taken to prevent any complications. The operation takes 1 to 1.5 hours. However, if there is a cyst in the breast, the operation time may be prolonged. During the operation, micro holes are drilled into the breast and the fat layer is drained out. Since it is generally a comfortable and incisionless surgery, patients can continue their normal life the next day. Aesthetic stitches are applied to avoid scars and the patient can regain her health in a short time. After the operation, a resistance is placed in the bandaged area if necessary. Antibiotics and, if necessary, painkillers are given for a week. The bandages are removed after weekly controls. The patient then wears a corset for 3 months and continues health checks as often as recommended by the doctor.

After the treatment is completed, the patient’s surgical process is over. Gynaecomastia, which is unlikely to recur again, is corrected by surgery.

What Can Be Done To Reduce The Risk Of Gynaecomastia

Paying attention to healthy and natural nutrition, avoiding smoking, alcohol and drug use, using supplements taken for bodybuilding within the framework of the recommendations of experts in their field, if you have a permanent illness, checking your medications and consulting your doctor will keep you away from the risk of gynecomastia.