What is H100 Vaccine, What are the Benefits?

H100 vaccine increases the moisture retention capacity of deformed, dehydrated, wrinkled and damaged skin. The skin, whose moisture capacity increases, gives the building blocks such as mineral peptide amino acids, which it cannot synthesise in later ages, ready under the skin. H100 vaccine provides a vibrant, young and elastic appearance by meeting all the needs of the skin. H100 vaccine, one of the most popular medical aesthetic treatments in recent times, has been the most successful product among skin rejuvenation cocktails. In order for the skin to look more vibrant and young, all the building blocks it needs should be given to the skin. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, the care required for the skin is often forgotten or neglected. With the H100 vaccine, all the necessary vitamins and minerals are given to the skin.

What is the Content of H100 Vaccine?

H100 vaccine increases the moisture capacity of the skin and makes it look younger. This vaccine is much richer than other skin rejuvenation treatments. It not only moisturises the skin but also contains all the building blocks that the skin needs in the future. H100 vaccine contains mannitol. It is one of the most effective antioxidants known and also has an oedema remover feature.

Hyaluronic acid in the H100 vaccine increases the moisture content of the skin. Pro collagen peptide helps to open mimic lines and wrinkles that occur on the skin over time. The H100 vaccine, which contains vitamin B1 and B6, slows down the aging process of the skin.

H100 Vaccine How is it applied?

H100 vaccine is performed by medical aesthetic specialists, local anaesthetic cream is applied to the area where the vaccine will be applied. H100 vaccine is applied under the skin by mesotherapy method. Antistatic creams are kept under stretch for 30 minutes. Then the skin is cleaned from creams. After the disinfection process, the H100 vaccine is injected into the skin into the area where the application will be performed with an interval of one centimetre. Very thin needles are used in this process.

The needles are thin and anaesthesia is applied before the procedure, so pain and pain are minimised. H100 vaccine takes an average of 30 minutes with the application of local anaesthetic cream. H100 vaccine is used for neck, hand and décolleté. Each person’s skin aging symptom loss of elasticity expectation from treatment and treatment needs are different from each other. Medical aesthetic specialists plan the treatment of H100 vaccine individually after determining the needs of the person.

Treatment Duration

H100 vaccine is sufficient in 2 sessions for young skin. Session intervals are kept 2 or 3 weeks. For middle-aged skin, 2 or 3 sessions are sufficient. For aged and damaged skin, 3 or 5 sessions are required. Significant changes in the skin are noticeable from the start of the sessions, which are determined according to the condition of the skin.

Mannitol, one of the most powerful antioxidants in the H100 vaccine, increases the effectiveness and permanence of the H100 vaccine. In addition to the permanence effect of mannitol, it also has an anti-edema effect. It ensures that hyaluronic acid, which provides the repair of tissues that hold water in the skin, remains in the tissues for a longer period of time.

When Does the Effect of H100 Vaccine Begin?

The effect of H100 vaccine is immediately noticeable after its application. Vitality and brightness are seen on the skin within the first 7 days of application. The vitality and brightness of the skin continues to be seen and felt increasingly within months. Drinking 2 litres of water a day ensures that the effect of the vaccine lasts longer. The H100 vaccine is a type of treatment to increase the collagen, one of the building blocks of the skin.

Side Effects of the Vaccine

The H100 vaccine does not have any serious side effects. Since there is no acid protein that can cause an allergic reaction, it is an extremely healthy and safe treatment. It is normal to see temporary redness, swelling and bruising during the administration of the H100 vaccine. Since the veins are weak in people who receive the vaccine at an advanced age, bruises occur much more quickly.

After the H100 vaccine, those who want can get rid of temporary side effects by using creams containing vitamin K. After the administration of the H100 vaccine, sports should not be done within the first 24 hours and heavy movements should be avoided within the next 2 days. In addition, sauna and hot bath use should be avoided and extreme heat should be avoided. After vaccination, direct sunlight should not be exposed to direct sunlight and sunscreen should be used to protect from the sun.