Chin Filling

When communicating with people, it is the facial area that we look at in the first place. a proportional face has always been more remarkable and appealing to the eye. the forehead, nose and jaw line should be in harmony. in cases such as asymmetry in the chin area or small chin, it is possible to achieve the desired ratio with small filling applications.

Who is chin filling performed?

In cases such as asymmetry in the chin area, the chin is backward and the chin is small, people can apply for chin filling and get satisfactory results.

How is chin filling applied?

Chin aesthetics ; is a simple and painless procedure applied with fillers. anaesthetic cream is applied to the application area before the procedure. After waiting for 10-15 minutes, the procedure is started. appropriate doses of filling material are given to the parts of the chin to be applied.

Are there any age restrictions for chin filling?

Jaw aesthetics (chin filling and chin implants) are generally recommended after the age of 18 for the completion of development.

How long is the permanence of chin filling?

The permanence of chin filling varies according to the filling material used. Since the chin area is a bone area, it is recommended to use harder and permanent filling materials. On average, it has a permanence of 1-1.5 years. For our patients who want lifelong chin aesthetics, we recommend chin implants.

How to return to social life after chin filling?

Social life can be continued directly after chin filling application. Since the application takes as little as 10 minutes, it can be done with peace of mind even during lunch break.