Endoscopic Mid Face Lift Prices 2021

Before proceeding to the endoscopic mid-face lift operation, let’s get to know where the mid-face is. The mid-face is the part that is located on both sides of the nose, coinciding with the lower part of the eyes, which is exactly in the middle of the face, which we can call the centre of the face. In addition, we call the area between our two cheeks, which descends vertically from the outer side of our eyes downwards, that is, towards our chin, the midface. The mid-face operation is performed by plastic surgery. The cost of the operation varies according to the facial structure of the person and the materials to be used by the hospital.

What to Know About Mid Face Operation.

The structure of the cheekbone has an important place in facial anatomy. If the cheekbone structure is robust and resistant and the soft tissue is strong to the bone, it is more resistant to aging. Otherwise, mid-face aging progresses faster in people with weak bone structure in mid-face aging. Especially mid-face aging affects women, or rather disturbs them. In order to get rid of this problem, the mid-face lift surgery, which is called mitface lift in medical language, increases this volume distribution irregularity and sagging skin tissues on the face to the level in young ages.

In the mid-face lift, that is, in the face lift operation, the soft tissues adhering to the bone in the aging area are freed by entering under the bone membrane. In this way, the soft tissue is moved in a slight upward or diagonal direction contrary to gravity. After these operations are performed, if we list the things to do or not to do; First of all, it is normal for those who have a mid-face lift surgery to feel their faces tense on the first day. They may also have pain. It should also be noted that it is for their own health not to move their mouths. They should not eat hard foods and it is recommended to gargle to prevent infection of the mouth. They should not eat salty things because salt causes oedema in the body.

Endoscopic Face Lift Operation Procedures

Endoscopic mid-face lift surgery is generally performed within an average of 4 to 6 hours. After this mid-face lift operation, the sagging on the eyelids and the sagging from the cheek to the chin direction eliminate the tired and unhappy appearance on the face. On this occasion, the face will have a more natural and younger appearance after the operation. Especially this operation is a facelift, a rejuvenation operation applied in line with the preferences and needs of women between the ages of 30 and 50. Today’s conditions, intense working tempo, fatigue of the day affect our body as well as our face.

These negative images have a psychological effect on women, and women prefer to look young, serene and attractive with this method with facelift. Facelift application is applied to people who are both economically comfortable and active in their social life. Some of them apply to eliminate the lines on their forehead, some of them apply to eliminate crow’s feet with the term used among the people. Some people apply for this aesthetic operation to raise their eyebrows upwards, and some are not satisfied with the thinness of the lips and apply for this aesthetic operation to have large lips. If the person who wants to have aesthetics feels tired, worn out, if his face is really sagging, they have botox, laser, filling, cellular therapy or facelift operation with non-invasive method. The effect of these operations performed with the success of expert aestheticians can last up to ten years under normal conditions. In order for these applications to stay on our face for a long time, you should organise your living standards. For example, you should not smoke too much, drink alcohol and live a stress-free life.