What are the Types of Lip Filling?

To achieve the desired shape and fullness of women’s lips, procedures are performed with dermal fillers. Depending on the filler used, the effect on the lip will be permanent or temporary. Since the substance called hyaluronic acid (HA) is a substance that is secreted spontaneously in young people, it ensures that the lip is moist and flexible. Fillers called dermal mimic the same effects of HA (hyaluronic acid) and in this way, it manages to increase the fullness of the lips while reducing the lip edge lines formed on the lip edges. Artecoll is a type of synthetic material that makes the lips look puffy. Because it is synthetic, there is more risk of encountering an allergic reaction than collagen or fat injection. However, it should not be forgotten that it is also a longer-lasting procedure. The autologous process is the process of using the collagen taken from another part of the body, that is, injecting it. There is no allergic risk in this procedure. However, as in the other procedure, it is not a long-lasting procedure, it is a temporary procedure, that is, it is an application method that will lose its effect in the future. This application method is a good option for those who do not want to use it for a long time. The collagen substance can be taken from cows and injected into the lips. There is also an allergic risk in this form of application. For this reason, it is the healthiest for the surgeon to test the patient before starting its full use. The results can last between 1 month and 3 months on average. Fat taken from the patient’s own buttocks or body can be injected into the lips. There is no allergic risk in this application method and there is a high probability of getting a permanent result.

What are the Risks After Lip Filling?

As in all aesthetic operations, there are possible risks that may occur in lip filling operation. But these risks, ie side effects, will heal within a few days on average. Afterwards, you can have the desired appearance. Some of these side effects are as follows.

-Possible bleeding that may occur in the areas where the injection was made during the filling of the lip.

-Bruises and swelling that may occur in the lip.

-Redness in the area where the injection was made in the lip part.

-Tenderness in the lip area.

These side effects are natural side effects, as well as more important and more serious side effects are unfortunately available. Some of them are;

-Bruises and swelling that can last up to seven to ten days.

-The lip is in different different sizes due to swelling in the lip.

-Possible lumpy structures that may occur in the lip filling.

-Risk of infection

-Injection into a blood vessel as a result of a mistake during injection and the risk of tissue loss as a result.

-ulcer or hardening and tightening of the skin

-Allergic risks that will cause redness.


-It is one of the important issues to contact your surgeon as soon as any of these risks or any other situation occurs. An issue that you see as insignificant may be of great importance for your surgeon. It is one of the rules that should not be forgotten that you should be in contact with your surgeon in this process in order to prevent this, which may cause greater risks in the future.