How is Lip Filling Done?

Lip, which is located in the middle of the face and is undoubtedly one of the most striking points; It is one of the first elements that come to mind when it comes to facial beauty. Lip beauty has a very important place in women’s lives. How is lip filling done in the minds of many women? There may be questions such as. The reason for this is that some women’s lips are congenitally large and plump, while some women’s lips are not large in the same way. But this is no longer a problem. Because various aesthetic operations have made our lives easier in many ways. With lip augmentation operations, you will now have the lip appearance you desire. When you apply to a doctor for a lip augmentation operation. Your doctor. The shape, volume and type of your lip filling are decided according to your expectations and your expectations. On the day of the operation, the operation is started in line with the decisions taken beforehand.

Stages of Lip Augmentation

Stages of lip augmentation is a process that does not take too long and its stages are generally as follows.

  • Since the lips are an area where many nerve points pass, they are numbed 15-20 minutes before the operation starts. Thus, you will be prevented from feeling pain in the future.
  • Then the filling material, hyalunoric acid, is injected into the lips with fine-tipped injectors. Thus, you will have a plump appearance.
  • Since hyaluronic acid is a structure found in the natural structure of the lip, there is not much risk of side effects.

Recovery Process After Lip Filling

Naturally, every operation that takes place in the human body has a certain healing process. This process may vary according to the procedures performed. Since lip augmentation is a procedure that does not take too long and is not too heavy, the healing process is not a very difficult process. In general, you can resume your social life within an hour at the latest after the operation. Of course, this process may vary according to the type of operation performed.

What are the Types of Lip Augmentation?

There are many types and many methods of lip augmentation. The main factor in determining these methods is what kind of lip you want to have and whether your lip structure is suitable for the procedure to be performed. The procedure to be performed should be selected in accordance with your lip structure. Current lip filler types are as follows.

Classical Lip Filler

Anyone who does not accept a radical change in their appearance and lip structure, which is called as classical lip filler, can benefit from this method. this method is one of the most preferred methods used.

Rubani Lip Filler

It is one of the reasons for those who generally want their lips to be much fuller. The main difference here is that in the rubani style, the lips have gained a much more robust volume than the classical filling.

Eve Style Lip Filling

It is a method that is usually applied to the lower lip in the form of filling and is a method that requires a different shape to the lower lip of the person.

Pierlukqe Lip Filling

In this process, it has been created by applying the process only to the lower lip and has become one of the methods that are obtained in this way. This aesthetic process, which is applied by following the method with a pearl-like shape on the lower lip, is also frequently used.

Cupid Lip Lip Filler

The method is one of the methods applied to the upper lips aesthetically.

Melek Canal Filler

In this method, it is a method created by applying a different shape on the upper lips, and it is possible to get a simple and flashy result in this method.