Nose Tip Aesthetics (Tipplasty)

The tip of the nose is an important area that aesthetically changes facial expression. Nasal tip aesthetics is a procedure performed only to reduce the asymmetry, width, drooping, nasal tip deformity and nasal tip deformity without touching the nasal bone.

As the golden ratio on the face is taken into account in aesthetic surgeries, there is a golden ratio in the nose, the nose should coincide with the middle 1/3 of the face and the distance between the nasal tip length and mouth width should be adjusted according to the golden ratio rule. While the skin is the thinnest at the root of the nose, it thickens as it reaches the tip of the nose and the number and density of the sebaceous glands increases. It is also possible to correct only this area surgically, but a good planning should be made before the operation so that the rest of the patient’s nose can adapt to the result to be obtained. While correcting the tip of the nose with the piezo method, a slight shaping of the nasal bone can be performed with fine tips. Nasal tip cartilages can be called like the columns of the nose to determine the nasolabial angle in the nose. The working method in the cartilage structure in this region eliminates the risk of the nose falling in the future.
Nasal tip aesthetics is an intervention that does not require local anaesthesia and does not require hospitalisation afterwards. It is a correction procedure performed only on the cartilages at the tip of the nose without touching the septum, that is, the cartilage structure in the middle that divides the nose into two, and the bone structure that forms the back and sides of the nose. In this way, thick, drooping, long, high, narrow or wide nose tips can be reshaped. Nasal wings can be narrowed.
Nasal tip aesthetics is also the ideal method for adjusting the angle of the nose and lips. It does not even require plaster and plasters. Thus, the patient does not have trouble breathing after the operation. There is no bruising on the face, and the edema that may occur in the nose decreases within a few days. You can return home immediately after the operation and return to your social life after a week or so.