Does Nose Aesthetics Cause Difficulty in Breathing?

Nose aesthetic surgeries, which are among the most common surgeries in our country, are now preferred by men as well as women. In addition to nasal deformities, people who have breathing problems due to fractures caused by impact or fall also have a healthy nose and a properly shaped nose with rhinoplasty surgery. The shapes that patients will give to their noses are decided in accordance with the shape and texture of the face after examination with the surgeon. The duration of rhinoplasty surgery varies according to the intensity of the operation to be applied to the patient, but it takes approximately 2 hours at most, depending on the results. During this time, the patient is put to sleep with full anaesthesia and the shape of the nose is applied by looking directly at the patient’s facial contours.

Breathing After Nose Aesthetic Surgery

Nose surgeries In the first day, the nose remains closed with a silicone tampon applied to the patient’s nose. When the silicone tampon is removed by the doctor, the nose starts to breathe. In order to heal the inside of the nose more quickly and breathe better, the medicines and drops given by the doctors should be used regularly. Patients can be discharged on the day of surgery. Pain after nose surgery varies according to the patient’s tissue characteristics. Since local anaesthesia is usually used, there is no pain after surgery. In addition, postoperative swelling does not prevent the patient from breathing. The patient continues to breathe less until the inside of the nose heals and starts to breathe fully after an average of one week.

Does Rhinoplasty Surgery Cause Pain?

There are many people who undergo rhinoplasty surgery with nasal deformities caused by trauma caused by genetic trauma in some people and subsequent trauma caused by impact or fall in some people. People who want to have rhinoplasty are afraid of postoperative pain rather than surgery. With rhinoplasty surgery, it is possible for the person to have a different and more proportional face. People who have nose surgery want to see the nose they have achieved immediately after surgery and are curious. In addition, people want the nasal band to be opened immediately and want to see the final form of their nose as soon as possible. Curiosity is extremely normal for people who have waited for years and have hardly decided to have rhinoplasty surgery. It is important for people who have had rhinoplasty to be patient and positive in this sense.

Swelling and Bruises After Rhinoplasty Surgery

After every nose aesthetic surgery, bruising and swelling, which are normal and possible, should not scare patients. Because bruises and swelling are normal in every surgery. This condition passes a few days after rhinoplasty with the right care and application. Regular ice therapy not only removes bruises and swelling, but also improves capillary bleeding that occurs during surgery in the nose. The oedema that causes swelling passes in a short time with the massages and ice therapy recommended by the doctor and reduces pain. In addition, ice treatment is recommended to be applied to the skin by wrapping it in a cloth or towel, not directly on the skin. The swelling caused by nose surgery goes to heal quickly with the removal of the nose mould attached to the nose. The nose, which heals significantly in the first month, slows down in the following months for the nose to settle and the surgical site to heal. This situation is not noticeable for those who see the person every day, but the person notices the change in the nose.