Why Does Nose Aesthetics Fail?

Nose aesthetics is the beautification of the nose and giving a young appearance. The bone cartilage system must be preserved during the aesthetic procedure. Otherwise, excessive reduction causes the skin to sag and appear larger. Here, it is important not how many pieces will be taken from the nose, but what will be left behind. When more than the cartilage structure that helps our nose to stand upright is taken, the wings of the nose collapse while breathing and breathing problems occur. Even if the nose that emerges as a result of the procedure is great, this is a failure. If the nose of the aesthetic patient has an oily and thick skin, the postoperative swelling goes down in a longer time. This is not considered a failure, with a little patience, you will have the nose you want. We have said that there will be collapses and falls when the support tissues are too much, this problem is made appropriate by supporting the septum with cartilages taken from the ears and ribs and falls are prevented. If the doctor performing the surgery does not have sufficient knowledge, skill and expertise, aesthetics will result in failure. Not only the success rate at the time of surgery, but also the person himself/herself is effective in this process. Any kind of impact, smoking, alcohol or harmful substance use, failure to follow the doctor’s instructions negatively affect the success rate. On the other hand, some skin problems directly or indirectly reduce the success rate of aesthetic surgery in factors such as the person’s existing disease, skin structure.

How to Understand Unsuccessful Rhinoplasty?

If the previous functional disorders in the nose persist after plastic surgery, breathing problems due to this persist, the nasal structure is curved or crooked, the nostrils are excessively narrow or wide, sagging at the tip of the nose, if there is something visually or functionally wrong after the healing process is completed, your rhinoplasty surgery may have negative results.

In an unsuccessful rhinoplasty, situations such as the following may appear;

  • In rhinoplasty, the bone in the nose is carved more than normal,
  • The tip of the nose is too raised after the procedure and the inside of the nostril is visible,
  • The nose is not compatible with the facial features (too short or long),
  • Significant mistakes in facial features such as the tip of the nasal bone appearing as two separate sections may have negative consequences for the surgery performed.

What Should Rhinoplasty Victims Do?

If you have experienced an unsuccessful rhinoplasty process, the most correct and logical thing to do is to follow your doctor. You should reach a common point together and find solutions. Because the person who knows best about the aesthetic procedure performed on you is your own doctor. If you still cannot reach a common decision with your doctor, you can see another doctor.

You may want better, not perfect. After all, there is no perfect rhinoplasty result in any rhinoplasty for the first time. Even in the best-made nose, there may be tiny and very small defects. These defects are not the doctor’s fault. It is a part of aesthetic surgery. Believe me, there is not even a perfect face. The main thing is that the defects disappear in harmony on the face.

If you have had rhinoplasty surgery or if your problems continue despite repeated nose surgery, you have the right to file a lawsuit for material and moral damages.