What are the Types of Nose Aesthetics?

There are aesthetics that many people have done today. One of the most important of these aesthetics is nose aesthetics. With rhinoplasty, the shape of the bridge of the nose and the tip of the nose can be changed. The curved nose bone can be straightened. The size and smallness of the nose can be adjusted. Again, the size and smallness of the nostrils can be corrected. At the same time, the angle between the nose and forehead and between the nose and lips can be changed. One of the main reasons for having rhinoplasty is health problems. If you have a problem breathing, you have a high chance of having surgery. If your nose is operated on due to problems affecting your health, it is ensured that your nose is in a natural appearance and in the appropriate size for your face. But today, rhinoplasty is mostly performed to change the shape, size or bone structure of the nose, that is, to create perfection in our appearance. In fact, the surgeries performed are also liked by other people and aesthetic application can be requested as an order. So, what are the types of this operation? In other words, can they apply every nose shape we want to our face? If we do not like it, can a correction or operation be performed again?

Types of Nose Aesthetics

Nose aesthetics is often performed under general general anaesthesia. There are 2 types of operations.

  • Open operation technique (Open rhinoplasty)
  • Closed operation technique (Closed rhinoplasty)

These two operations have special methods. In open rhinoplasty, an operation is performed by directly opening the nasal arch. Thus, a small scar remains in the nose that will heal over time. For this reason, it is not generally preferred by patients. In closed rhinoplasty, there is no scar on the nose because the operation is performed using the nostrils. This is the type of aesthetics preferred by patients. Since this technique is performed only through the nostrils, it may not be sufficient to change the entire structure of the nose. In such cases, open rhinoplasty technique is used. In fact, these techniques are performed by looking at the patient’s nasal structure and what kind of aesthetics they want. If you want to make changes in your nose without surgical intervention, then the filling method is used. This method can also be applied as a correction for patients who do not like the operation performed after surgery.

How Much Are Nose Aesthetics Prices?

Nose aesthetics prices may vary according to both the operation performed and the experience of the doctors in the clinic. But on average, the price range starts with 5-6 thousand and can go up to 50-60 thousand liras.

Can Anyone Have Rhinoplasty?

If a patient who goes to the hospital with a health problem is decided to have surgery, that patient must be over 6 years old. But if an operation is to be performed only for aesthetics, the patient must be over 18 years old.

What are the Points to be Considered After Rhinoplasty?

First of all, we should take good care of our nose after surgery. We should eat healthy and take a break from alcohol and smoking for a while. We should avoid any impact positions that we can take on our nose. We should not tilt our head down too much. We should keep the pillow high. Apart from the medication given by our doctor, we should not use painkillers etc. according to our own mind.