Things to Consider After Rhinoplasty Surgery

Nose aesthetic surgery is performed by a specialist physician in a hospital environment. Although the operation was successful, the patient should pay more attention to himself after the operation. Postoperative complications may occur. It is known to encounter situations such as flushing, bruising, swelling, or blood coming from the nose. Although the person feels bad about his nose before the surgery, he may also be annoyed when he encounters postoperative situations. Rhinoplasty surgery is an important surgery. After the surgery is successful, the person should pay special attention to himself. After the surgery, matches with a high risk of accidents such as volleyball and basketball should be avoided. Precautions should be taken against any impact. The bandages adhered to the nose after aesthetic surgery should not be discarded immediately. In this regard, the physician’s recommendation should be listened and implemented. Much attention should be paid to dressings. Dressing days should definitely go to the hospital, this issue should not be ignored. If the dressing will be done at home, it should be done with saster. An individual who uses glasses should not use glasses after plastic surgery. After the operation, situations that stretch, move or disturb the facial muscles should be avoided. For example, excessive chewing gum should not be chewed. Soft textured foods should be consumed. In other words, the face area should be rested for a while. After rhinoplasty, smoking and alcohol consumption should be reduced for a while for the surgery to be fully successful. Nutrition should be given importance. Sleep patterns should be adjusted. Since sensitivity increases after surgery, very cold weather and very hot weather should be avoided. Due to the burning effect of the sun, when it comes into direct contact with the skin, it also negatively affects the skin normally. The sun should be avoided after surgery. It should be protected from the sun by wearing a hat. By following these and other recommendations of the physician, the rhinoplasty operation ceases to be a fearful dream of the person.

Use of Tampon in Rhinoplasty

Tampon is an extremely important and preferred indispensable method from the past to the present. We have come across many times that the tampon protects the nose after nose surgery. Of course, tampon should be applied with medical intervention . During the application phase, the surgical area should be protected appropriately by the physician. The use of tampons is already a preventive treatment method.

After the nose aesthetic operation, it is known to encounter any bleeding situation. Or any fall injury accident may also occur. In such cases, the person can use the tampon instead of a protection needle made into the nose. Even medically, we come across many times that it protects the operated area more. If the tampon is changed cleanly and carefully with a few days intervals, the operation process is more comfortable in this way. In case people sneeze and sneeze, the operated area should not be damaged.

The tampon can also be used safely because it will never dislodge or dislodge. This process can be overcome more easily if it is recognised that the use of tampons is not out of necessity but a situation that should be for health. There is also nothing to be afraid of in the use of tampons. When the tampon is inserted, it is inserted very comfortably and definitely does not hurt the person. When it is removed, it does not contain the feeling of burning pain in the same way. It is not something that sticks to the nose anyway. Thus, nose aesthetics operation can be easily overcome.