Is Almond Eye Aesthetics Risky?

Almond eye aesthetics is an ideal aesthetic for the eyes to have an attractive appearance by removing the sagging around the eyelid and around the eyelid. Especially with the increase in the use of social media, people have started to pay more attention to their appearance. For this reason, they can make the areas they do not like on their faces look the way they want with aesthetic operations. With the increasing demand and the successful results of aesthetic operations, people can easily have aesthetics. Almond eye surgery has also become one of the most preferred surgeries. Eye contact and gaze, which is one of the most important elements in communication, is important in terms of first impression.

Almond eye aesthetics is an ideal aesthetic for the eyes to have an attractive appearance by eliminating the sagging around the eyelid and around the eyelid. Especially with the increase in the use of social media, people have started to pay more attention to their appearance. For this reason, they can make the areas they do not like on their faces look the way they want with aesthetic operations.

With the effect of increasing demand and the successful results of aesthetic operations, people easily have aesthetics. Almond eye surgery has also become one of the most preferred surgeries. Eye contact and gaze, which is one of the most important elements in communication, is important in terms of first impression.

Reasons for Choosing Almond Eye Aesthetics

Since the facial area is the most important area that remains in memory, many people have almond eye surgery to have impressive looks, larger and slanted eyes. The expressions in the gaze carry meaning in understanding the spoken words more effectively. For this reason, the first method used by people who want to get more impressive looks is almond eye aesthetics.

Almond eye, which can be made temporarily with make-up, is made permanent with surgery. Almond eye surgery is a surgical procedure. Since the part to be operated with local anaesthesia is numbed, the patient does not feel any pain. After numbness is achieved, an incision is made on the outer part of the eye. Special surgical threads are used to pull the eye upwards.

Almond Eye Surgery Time

The patient has an almond eye expression with the suspensory tissue fixed to the bone membrane. During the operation, several stitches are stitched and these stitches are removed within a week. For this reason, there is no scarring. Depending on the skin structure of the patient, problems such as redness, bruising and oedema may occur.

These conditions are alleviated and normalised within a few days. Almond eye surgery takes between thirty and sixty minutes. However, the preferred location and doctor’s experience are also important in changing this time. Since the person does not need to stay in the hospital, he/she can return to his/her daily life after the surgery.

Decision Making Process for Almond Eye Aesthetics

It is also important that the individual who wants to have almond eye aesthetics goes to the aesthetic centre and talks in detail with the doctor about the procedures to be performed in accordance with the face and eye structure. In this way, the patient can find answers to the questions he/she is curious about the operation to be performed. If the patient who undergoes almond eye surgery does not like the result, the procedure is reversible.

This is one of the advantageous aspects of almond eye aesthetics. The duration of permanence on the face is between two and three years. After the permanence passes, the individual can have almond eye aesthetics again. Since people who have almond eye surgery attract a lot of attention as an external appearance, many people are curious about the details of almond eye surgery.

Permanence Period of Almond Eye Aesthetics

With this aesthetic operation applied to everyone, the corner section on the outer part of the eye is slightly stretched upwards and fixed to the bone membrane. There is no problem in repeating the operation, which lasts for six years. If there is a problem around the upper or lower eyelid of the person who wants to have almond eye aesthetics, this problem should be eliminated first. After the problems are eliminated, there is no harm in having almond eye surgery as long as your doctor deems it appropriate.

The patient’s face and eye structure are examined and their wishes and concerns are learnt. If it is decided that the facial structure is suitable for almond eye aesthetics, preparations are made for the operation. The special threads used for fixation during the operation have a very durable structure. For this reason, it provides use for a long time without any loosening or sagging.

Preparations for Almond Eye Aesthetics

Almond eye aesthetics, which is performed with a surgical procedure, is an aesthetic operation performed under local anaesthesia. The part where the procedure will be performed is anaesthetised. Subsequently, the ligaments on the outer side of the eye are lifted upwards and fixed to the bone in this part.

Thus, the person has a distinct and interesting appearance with almond eye aesthetics. There is no situation such as staying in the hospital. After the aesthetic operation, the person can go home. Since self-melting stitches are usually used, there is no need to remove the stitches.

Almond Eye Aesthetics Risks

Almond eye aesthetics is quite easy and the rate of serious risks that may occur is minimal. Necessary procedures are performed before almond eye surgery and precautions are taken against risks to ensure that the results of the surgery are successful and trouble-free. When the patient tells the doctor about all the questions and concerns the patient wants to ask, the doctor will go through the process of planning the operation by satisfying the patient’s curiosity.

The preferred doctor and clinic are important for the results to be successful. In order for the possible result to be successful after almond eye aesthetics, the eye structure of the person must be harmonised with the facial structure. If the patient is not satisfied with the aesthetics applied, it is brought back to the old eye shape.

Social Life After Almond Eye Aesthetics

Due to the increasing age, the combined aesthetic methods to be applied with almond eye aesthetic surgery also increase. Almond eye aesthetics is not a difficult operation. It is an ideal method for long-term results in a very short time. Defects on the face also negatively affect the mental health of the person.

Therefore, with almond eye aesthetics, it is ensured that the person starts to look in accordance with his mood. The individual, who is happy with the change he experiences in himself, enters social environments more by spreading positive energy around him. Almond eye aesthetics, which provides a young and vibrant appearance on the face, allows people to recover in a very short time.

What to Pay Attention

Almond eye aesthetic surgery gives the face a more dynamic appearance. After aesthetics, avoiding movements that may cause infection in the eye and acting as recommended by the doctor accelerates the healing process. It is important to ensure clean contact by washing your hands when you need to touch the eye area.

In addition, since the pillow and face are in contact with the pillow while sleeping, it may need to be changed every few days to avoid any infection. There is no vision problem in the eye after almond eye aesthetics. There is no intervention in the visual angle of the eyelids with aesthetics. Since there are too many factors affecting the costs of almond eye aesthetics, a clear price cannot be given. The preferred clinic, the medical equipment used and the professional experience of the doctor are the factors that are effective in varying the prices.