Everything About Leg Thinning Surgery

Deformities can develop in the legs due to genetic, familial, rapid weight gain and loss, malnutrition, lack of exercise, some diseases such as lipoedema and age-related causes. The presence of lipoedema should be examined especially in legs that continue to be thick despite weight loss. The leg carries the entire load of the body and is the area most exposed to the effects of gravity. Lymphatic circulation and blood circulation in the leg are very important, and in case of deterioration, conditions such as lymphedema and varicose veins are encountered. It should be noted that the liposuction method used during liposuction surgeries, which is the most preferred method of leg thinning surgery, is a leg thinning surgery method that does not damage the lymphatic vessels and blood vessels in the legs and selectively affects the fat. In leg shaping and leg thinning surgeries, while the legs are given the appropriate aesthetic form, care should be taken not to create irregularities in the legs.

How is Leg Thinning Surgery Performed?

For leg aesthetics, mainly leg thinning surgery and “VaserLipo” method are highly preferred options. Especially since the VaserLipo method is respectful to the surrounding tissues, the lymph channels and vascular nerves are maximally protected and the excess fat tissue in the leg is removed.

Before the leg aesthetic operation with the Vaser Liposuction method, the fat tissue is liquefied with sound waves at a special frequency. Then, the liquidised fat tissue is removed from the environment with very thin cannulas. The important point at this point is that the amount of oedema is less and the healing rate is higher since the surrounding tissue lymph channels and vascular nerves are maximally protected during all these procedures.

Is There Pain After Leg Thinning Surgery?

After leg thinning surgery or, in other words, leg fat removal, there is almost no pain in the early postoperative period. The reason for this is the solution containing painkillers and highly effective painkillers given intravenously during the operation. The pain that occurs the next day after this surgery is responsive to simple painkillers that can be taken orally. It is absolutely necessary to pay attention to the warnings about the issues that should be done before and after the leg thinning surgery.

How Long After Leg Thinning Surgery Can Be Returned To Normal Life?

A rapid recovery process is expected after leg thinning surgery and vascular liposuction. The oedema that occurs in the leg in the first few weeks dissolves in a short time. It is recommended to wear a corset in the form of tights for approximately 3 weeks after leg thinning surgery. These corsets are used to limit oedema and contribute to the rapid shaping of the leg. The comments of people who have had leg thinning surgery are generally in the direction that they can return to desk work after about 7 to 10 days. In addition, expert recommendations are that returning to jobs that will not require muscle strength but will provide movement in a short time will accelerate the healing process.

Leg Thinning Surgery Fees

Leg thinning surgery can be of different widths, ranging from small areas that include only the hip, knee circumference, to surgery involving large areas such as knee circumference, thigh, inner leg. The price of leg thinning surgery or leg liposuction surgery varies depending on the technique applied and the width of the application area.

Does Leg Thinning Surgery Leave Scars?

In leg thinning surgery and Vaser Liposuction surgery, the procedure is performed with small incisions of approximately 1 centimetre. These incisions are placed in natural camouflage places and the operation is completed with a very minimal scar. Over time, these small incisions become skin-coloured. For this reason, an extremely indistinct scar remains after leg thinning surgery.

Details About Leg Thinning Surgery

Although leg thinning surgery is an operation usually applied to women, it is also frequently preferred by men today. Because thick legs are a very bad situation that bothers both men and women. People with thick legs cannot comfortably wear clothes such as skirts, dresses or shorts. This situation negatively affects people’s psychology. Many negative conditions, especially lack of self-confidence, are observed in people with thick legs. These situations increase the importance of surgery. When leg thinning is applied with natural methods, it becomes a very troublesome process. For this reason, it is extremely logical and comfortable to benefit from the surgical method.

How is Leg Thinning Surgery Performed?

Leg thinning surgery is exactly the same as the liposuction method in terms of application method. In this procedure, the trapezoidal leg or thick leg tissues are shaped by fat removal method. This procedure requires extreme care and attention. A millimetric error to be made during the procedure causes problems in removing the thickness. Leg thinning operations start with the application of anaesthesia. After the anaesthesia, the leg thinning process is started by specialist physicians. It is extremely important that both legs are proportional to each other. There is no pain during the operation. During the operation, patients do not feel anything because they are under anaesthesia. After the operation, patients are awakened and rested in the ward for a while. The patient is discharged on the same day.

How the Recovery Process Proceeds After Leg Thinning Surgery?

The recovery process begins after leg thinning surgery. This process is extremely important for the patient to return to his/her daily life more quickly and adapt to it. Since the healing process differs from each other in each patient, it is not correct to give a definite time frame. It is extremely important to be under the control of a physician in this process. It is extremely important to keep the leg area clean in leg surgeries. Patients should regularly use a leg corset to prevent any sagging or bad appearance on the leg. This corset wraps the leg and makes it look more beautiful and take shape quickly. It will be much healthier to get help from your doctor about corset selection.

Another important issue to be considered after leg thinning surgery is not to lift heavy. Lifting heavy loads will tire the leg and negatively affect the healing process. Because the leg area has a very sensitive and thin structure. It is easily affected by any negative situation that may occur. During the healing process, patients should do light sports exercises as recommended by doctors. Thus, the leg is strengthened. Another issue that patients should pay attention to during the healing process is nutrition. A good nutrition process allows you to get rid of the effects of surgery much faster. Patients should not smoke during the healing process. Because smoking adversely affects blood circulation because it causes vascular occlusion. Smoking before and after surgery is an extremely wrong behaviour.

How are the Prices of Leg Thinning Surgery?

Prices of leg thinning surgery vary according to each patient and the centre where it is applied. Pricing is applied according to the type of technique to be performed. While all techniques are applied to some patients, only one technique is sufficient for some patients. For this reason, pricing is made as a result of the examinations to be performed. Another factor affecting the price is the hospital centre where the surgery will be performed. The success of the hospital in the field, the materials used, the doctor who will perform the surgery, the facilities offered by the hospital and the past success of this operation seriously affect the pricing. The better the facilities offered by the hospital, the better the surgery and recovery process.