Who Can Benefit from Lipomatic Procedure?

Lipomatics is one of the most reliable procedures today. There is nothing to be afraid of before and after the procedure. In the area where lipomatic will be applied, the device is moved back and forth to break down the fats in this area. These broken down fats are removed from that area with the help of a vacuum. If necessary, it may be necessary to stay in hospital for a maximum of 1 day. In other words, it is very easy to get rid of fat with lipomatics within 1 day painlessly.

Who Can Lipomatics Be Applied To?

Lipomatics is a very safe and successful method. The procedure is started after a doctor’s consultation. After examining the area to be treated and checking whether the patient can receive anaesthesia, the time of the procedure is decided with the approval of the doctor. In short, anyone who is deemed appropriate by the doctor can have lipomatic liposuction.

The age of 18 must be completed for the lipomatic procedure. The procedure is never applied to pregnant women. After the procedure, the patient can easily return to his daily routine the next day. In some cases, the patient can be hospitalised for 1 day, while in some cases, the patient is discharged from the hospital within the day.

Changes in the Area Where Lipomatic is Applied

Lipomatic is the breakdown of regional fat by circular back and forth. However, after the fat is broken down in the area where it is located, it is removed from that area with the help of vacuum. After this procedure, bruises may occur in this area. Minor pain may be felt, but these are not at a level that will affect the daily routine. The patient can easily return to work the day after the operation.

The patient can even start doing sports after 9-10 days. Some doctors consider it necessary to wear a corset in the area where lipomatic application is performed for 1 month. This depends entirely on the physician. If your doctor deems it appropriate, a corset should be worn. After the operation, the patient is discharged from the hospital on foot. In some exceptional cases, hospitalisation is performed for 1 day, while sometimes it can be discharged on the same day.

What to do after the application

Lipomatic is the process of removing the fats in the area with excess fat cells from the body by breaking them with the help of circular movements in a back and forth manner with the help of a device. There is nothing to be done by the patient before the procedure. Only the patient is prepared for the procedure by applying anaesthesia. After the procedure, the patient can easily return to his/her daily routine.

However, if the patient gains too much weight, the fat cells in the body will not increase, but the mass of the fat cells will increase and the patient will become fat again. Therefore, nutrition control will be in the patient’s favour. The patient can continue his/her life by doing sports after the first 10 days. The person to whom lipomatic is applied should not take a shower for 1 day. After the procedure, cold or hot compress application may be recommended with the recommendation of the doctor.

Nutrition After Lipomatic Application

Nutrition is very important for everyone in daily life. However, if you have undergone a procedure such as lipomatic with the dream of getting a beautiful body, you will need to pay a little more attention to your diet. After lipomatics, the doctor will limit salt and fat consumption. Salt and fat consumption can be released as the doctor deems appropriate. In order to maintain the shape of the body, it is necessary to pay close attention to the nutrition list recommended by the doctor.

Pain After Lipomatic Procedure

Since the lipomatic procedure is terminated by removing the fat from the body with vacuum, bruising may occur in this area. Bruising varies according to the sensitivity of the skin. While it is seen less in some, it may be noticeably more in others. However, as with any bruise, these bruises will decrease day by day.

After the anaesthesia is removed after the lipomatic procedure, minor pain may also occur. However, these pains are not at a level that will negatively affect the daily routine in most people observed. Although sometimes the pain is excessive, the pain will subside between 2 and 4 days. Since anaesthesia is applied, minor dizziness may occur after the procedure. Painkillers should not be used unless recommended by the doctor. Herbal tea can be brewed and drunk to help the body relax and relax.

Lipomatic Side Effects

Lipomatic procedure It is possible to get rid of fat in a short time with the application. However, the procedure can be successful only when it is performed by experienced doctors and specialists. If the procedure is not successful, it may result in some tissue damage and deformation of the area where lipomatic application is performed. In order to avoid such situations, it is appropriate to perform the procedure completely by specialised doctors. Otherwise, damage to the tissues may cause situations that are difficult to repair afterwards.